
How has skydiving changed your life?

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I'm even more broke then I was before I discovered the sport. ;) No complaints though. Once I get some debt paid off I'll catch up!!

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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It has turned me into a happy cigarette smoking alcoholic who is now unashamed to climb onto naked "ride the beacon" loads.

Hehe, no really, I'm just so happy I've found something that I love doing, that challenges me constantly, and I have made some of my very best friends in the short 2 years I've been involved in the sport. It's always driving me to excel in all disciplines... lets get high! :)


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Without a doubt skydiving is one of the coolest things I have tried in my life and I have a hard time trying to concentrate on my work. I am constantly thinking about getting up in the air. I am trying to learn how to free fly at the moment and my sit and head down jumps are anything but pretty. But despite the problems I've been having with my free flying, I can't wait until the next time I can jump (likely this Sunday thanks to having to work during the week and a volleyball tournament on Saturday). I hope the weather holds up. My 52 jumps to date are awesome, but not nearly enough.
On the down side of my skydiving addiction is that the desire to add onto my current 150+ hours I have as a private pilot has been greatly diminished ever since I started jumping. I still like flying GA airplanes, but jumping out of them is just way too fun. :S
By the way Lisa, I'm loving my rig I got through you guys at SQ1, though I think I made a mistake buying my Bonehead Boomerang helmet instead of something like an Oxygn A3. :o

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Compare and contrast your life B.S. (before skydiving) to today.

I'll post mine later; got to get some work done now...

I was in a job I despised (actually, the job was cool, it was the Gov't ID-10-Ts I had to contend with every day that drove me around the bend), and life was stressful and unpleasant. Skydiving was a liberation, and vectored my life onto a completely different track. I still had huge amounts of BS (I quit the Feds less than a year after my first jump for greener pastures), but the change was permanent.

In a way, it led me to think that if I could do this, then I wasn't trapped/stuck - I really could do anything. I'm still a wage-slave, and am now facing layoff, but it did wonders for my self-confidence.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Wow! I am a completely different person. I used to be a rather submissive wall flower who wore only black and neutrals. I didn't have many friends. I was rather shy and always had bangs that sorta covered my eyes that I hid behind.

Today, I wear bright colors (little hawaiian short-shorts and cute crop tops), have no qualms about standing up for myself (which is why I quit my last job..... ahhhhhhhh, unemployment), I grew out my bangs for the first time in my life (they were bugging the crap out of me in my helmet) and I am no longer shy (surprise!) And I am still evolving....:)

Fall in dove.

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Wow! I am a completely different person. I used to be a rather submissive wall flower who wore only black and neutrals. I didn't have many friends. I was rather shy and always had bangs that sorta covered my eyes that I hid behind.
Today, I wear bright colors (little hawaiian short-shorts and cute crop tops), have no qualms about standing up for myself (which is why I quit my last job..... ahhhhhhhh, unemployment), I grew out my bangs for the first time in my life (they were bugging the crap out of me in my helmet) and I am no longer shy (surprise!) And I am still evolving....:)

And you get to spend your weekends with a bunch of assholesB|

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Well, it only took about 2 weeks as a student before I cutaway my whuffo lifestyle - except my job, that's coming next.

I take life MUCH less seriously now. My attitude is a thousand times better and brighter.

I have a new family that I trust with my life and would give my own for.

I have a new home.... thanks to Uncle Ron's kickass dz.

I'm in debt.

I don't buy clothes any more, unless they are freefly friendly.

I've compromised with gas station coffee instead of Starbucks to save money for hop n pops.

I no longer get embarrased while talking about sex.

Basically - my entire life has changed. Skydiving is my life. And I barely remember life before, except that I was absolutely misserable.

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I am still new, but all I know is, from day one everything changed. My confidence, my awareness, my cynicism. etc...
I can't describe it, but my jump-buddy and I always talk about how, when things are bad, or stressfull, we just take one second to think about skydiving and it all changes. A big smile comes over our face and we say to eachother, "Dude, who fuckin cares... We jump out of airplanes!!!" It always seems to lift me up, and make me feel better about life.
It has also helped to alienate me away from my friends and family that all think I am stupid. I just hope that they, in their ordinary lives, can feel as good about life as I do.

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Some great responses already... :)
My life changed quite a bit once I started jumping - I went from boring weekends and very little social life to exciting weekends and a whole new family to hang out with. My confidence and self esteem skyrocketed within months of my first jump. Over the past 12 years my life has become nothing but skydiving; it's my sport, my career and my passion.

But in the last few months skydiving has changed me in a way that I never expected. Being a participant in Jump For The Cause showed me that I really can do ANYTHING I set my mind to and work hard to achieve.

I just love this sport....

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