
Weekend #$@%&*! numbers

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Steve, you are one truly sick and disturbed pup...

If I recall correctly, the first number can be substituted for *ANYTHING*... including spending the day with your 80 y/o Pop, and laughing at him while he's sitting on a Harley....the first number is not relegated to humps any longer....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Steve, you are one truly sick and disturbed pup...

If I recall correctly, the first number can be substituted for *ANYTHING*... including spending the day with your 80 y/o Pop, and laughing at him while he's sitting on a Harley....the first number is not relegated to humps any longer....


True enough, but one usually indicates what the first number is for it not used for the "traditional" humps...

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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10 PIES thrown at Jraf:15:0

I am so proud of that pieing. words can not express the mess that i made. whipped cream, flour, green sugar, maraschino cherries, flower candies and red gel icing. we got him from every angle imaginable and there was pie everywhere, even on the roof!!! YAHOOO!!!!! I drove 180 miles home and there was STILL flour on the back of my car. NICE. attached are pics from said pie-ing.

lots of awesome jumps, all were from 5--15 ways, multi points in most cases (or laughs in the others).
way too much beer/martinis/bacardi etc on sat night. sunday AM was rough.




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Broke up with 1 whuffo boyfriend (not that I am proud, but happier) : 2 (yay! it was frickin freezing, but still fun! I didn't expect to get any because of the weather) : wishing I could owe beer for night jumps, but that didn't happen...again...due to weather.:(

The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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Beautiful!!! I'm sure he felt very... honored... ;):P

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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77 - days since I ordered my RW suit. I'm especially PO'd since I was told that I would have it "soon" the last few times that I called. It's a shame, since so many local jumpers seem to like this company's product and service, but I'll be calling tommorrow to set an ultimatum for getting my suit. I hate doing stuff like that, but I hate having to borrow RW suits even more.

Solo out of the 182, a fun two way with another low timer, and then (dramatic music) my first big(er) way. 7 way. I wore lead for the first time, which really helped. I'll probably call Square 1 tommorrow and order my own. The lead meant I didn't have to fight with my fall rate, which gave me extra mobility that I didn't have before, which caused me to overamp all of my moves, which made me zoomy, which sent me careening under the formation, which took out the formation. But it was still a great jump, and D-1 signed my logbook for it, as well as giving me some great advice for next time.

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The said 10 pies I was blessed with by my dearest friends. Stacy was head henchwoman!
14 awesome jumps - among them my 100th jump! Wheeeeeeee!
? I forgot what the third thing is for and don't care. I'm just too tierd.
I drank at least a tank car worth of beer, margaritas and martinis. Stacy and I drove through Crack Alley to Cristal where surrounded by the fine company of people without front teeth we had whoopass martinis. This weekend ROCKED!!!

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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I must also add that heather (legendary heather from wings) was a trusty eager cohort in making the pies. and ron was pretty excited to help make them too (although he only followed heather and i b/c it was 2 skydiver chicks who asked him to come help. he had no idea we were making pies)

so- how bad did carol say you cut that guy off again?

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Must take advantage of this good weather before winter comes....

Yeah, this time of year we should be socked in and stupid cold. Every beautiful weekend is a happy surprise!


1 'A' license achieved! Yahoooo!B|B|B|
2 great jumps.
1 beer owed for that license.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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0 (not trying interested in someone particular so..no fishing for me
:0 (stupid me thought it would be to cold and didnt bring his rig to Colorado Springs dumb dumb dumb)
:0 (actually havent had a beer in 3 weeks need to lose the tire in developing see first numbers)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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1(pig roast):0(no money...no jumpy):0

Anne did get to meet the family....well part of it...only about 3/4 of my 24 aunts and uncles and only about 40 of my first cousins....;);););)

good thing we brought beer....her head was swimming!!!!!!:P:P:P

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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So I did my first hybrid, I got to fly belly, of course had another belly, a stand, 2 head downs, and a Rickster Powell on outside video. It came together nicely. But the head down's couldnt get in to well at the slow speed....

Did another one today, Mike Johnston on his belly with me this time (that was a hoot). We got stills on both of them, as soon as they come out I will try top get them scanned, post em.

Did 2 absolutely georgous sunset loads, snuck a few kiss passes in on the first one *woohoo*. Tracked on the second...

What else, chased a canopy/reserve bag down. Enjoyed the beer from that (congrats on the first cutaway Tamier). Met Jack (jceman), next time I see him at the DZ, Im gonna have to snag him for a sit jump (you up for that???).

yeah, thats all I can remember. Im jumping again tommorow, so I need to get some sleep. *ZZZZzzzz*


P.S. Anyone have $50k so I can pay off my skydiving addicition errr cough cost of living expense/college loans?

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No jumps this weekend, I’ve been working nights and slept all day Friday, Saturday had a long presentation at University of Houston and to boot the weather was crap. However Sat. was also me 26th birthday and my girlfriend took me out to the Melting Pot (fondue food), and then we caught a local heavy metal band, drank fuck loads, and stayed up all night working on the first number. So I slept all day today and then went out with the kin folk for a birthday dinner. Good news is I am on vacation and hopefully Spaceland will be able to put me up a few times tomorrow and a few more on Tuesday; I’ve never been out during the week so I don’t know what to expect. Then on Wednesday my girlfriend, my sister, her husband, their son, and I are off to meet my Mother, her husband, my adorable little sister, and my Grandmother (whom I haven’t seen in 8 years) at Disney World. Awesome week I am stoked.


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