
WAHOOO I converted one!

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One whuffo that is! A friend of mine from overseas is coming home for a month.....and he had decided he wants to make a skydive B|. My question is, since I can't jump with him, do I want to ride the plane or stay on the ground for his landing? What would you choose?
One down, a few million to go!
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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Ground. In the landing area. Waiting with a video cam. Giggling like a fool.

I "converted" one. He did a tandem, and looked so terrified on the video during exit, and didn't enjoy himself at all. He won't even talk to me now. No loss, either....:P But I have great blackmail video....tee hee...

I'm working on someone right now - but he's a big boy. He's 245, 6'3" retired professional boxer (Hi, Rocky! Yes, he's lurking...). He saw some pix at my desk at the office, and wants to do it. . AFF at Perris is the way to go, 'cause he's a little big for a tandem according to the staff there. He's not sure about AFF, though...and frankly, I'm not sure about him in AFF either...fall rate and all that. And I am gonna be on the ground to get his face on vid, as well. Can't have too much blackmail info on friends and co-workers.B|

Any suggestions?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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He should be fine in AFF. He might be fast, but at 6'3'' he wont be too bad. It's the guys who are 230lbs and 5'6'' that freak me out (been there done that). Your boy is heavy, but he is tall.... shouldn't be that big of a deal.


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Ive gotten about 6 or so people out to jump Tandem,one guy did aff 1 and 2,never came back.The rest thought it was an unbelievable experience but never persued the sport.Whatever.I LOVE watching people heading to the plane for the first time,and then seeing their reaction on the ground after.
Im still looking for that,"this is THE shit" reaction like I had.
The Dude Abides.

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yep, I vote to stay on the ground too, unless you will land before he does, in that case, it may be fun to ride in de plane with him.
It's fun converting people, isn't it? I had a lot of clients this summer from various summer camps around this area, the majority of them were from overseas, russia, new zealand, australia, germany, scotland, etc...and I sent many down to the dz when they were looking for things to do on the weekends...a couple had done static before but a few actually went AFF...the videos were great!

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Get him to do two jumps, so you can be on the load once and on the ground once! That's what I did last weekend with my hubby. I just had to be on his first load, to see him climb out. Then he did another and I met him on the ground. Best of both worlds! I think he's hooked now...B|

No one else I know has tried it. The only two who say they would, don't live here. Convenient, eh?:P

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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Shit, this is easy! Hurry up and get your 'A' license (he's here for a month, right?). Then ride the plane with him, jump right before his tandem (he'd LOVE to see you're exit right before his). You'll be on the ground ready and waiting before he lands.

That'd be a gas! Have fun!

Hey...and scream like a fool when you exit just to see his face in the door as you fall away!;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Hurry up and get your 'A' license

i think her inability to jump with him is more due to healing time than license status... :P(edit: and HUGE congrats on your finally being cast-free, wendy!!! wooHOO!!!)

btw, lori, you rocked my world on the dancefloor last night... oooohhhh :)


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This is something I'm thinking hard about too, because my mom is coming to visit in December and I'm going to take her for a tandem. I keep going back and forth between riding up with her and jumping out before her, and just waiting on the ground. If I jump, I know that tandems land a while after most others, but me still being a student, I will probably not be that far ahead of her. Then I'll have to worry about getting my canopy together so I can run over to her. But the point that you made about how she'd be able to see me exit, that makes me think it might be worth it. I know she really would get a thrill out of that.

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Hurry up and get your 'A' license

i think her inability to jump with him is more due to healing time than license status... :P

btw, lori, you rocked my world on the dancefloor last night... oooohhhh :)


Oh...sorry...didn't know we had a wounded bird on our hands here. Heal fast, Wendy!

And Steve....it was pure elation to share that dance floor with you last night!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Oh absolutely, it depends on when and how long he is going to be in NC. He is from VA but was stationed at Pope for a while, so he may or may not be coming all the way down to Raeford. Heck, he'll be here a month, I will get him down there somehow :P

Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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A good friend of mine shed some of her Whuffo skin today as well. She did her first tandem at Skydive the Rockies in Calhan Colorado and I was able to not only be on the same load as she was, but I also was on the ground way before she was to greet her once she landed. It was a good day, as she's no longer as spooked with the sport as she was before her jump.

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I agree with Skygal. I've gone up with two of my friends(tandems), joked and teased them on the way up, watched their eyes get HUGE as the door opens, wave as I leave, do my jump, land and wait for them to land. If you can land before them it's a blast! If you shoot video, even better.

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I would personally be on the plane with them. Then, I would jump out in the middle of the pack. Since you open about 3k lower, you'll be on the ground and out of your rig in plenty of time. Just have someone meet you out in the landing area with your video camera. Shouldn't be that hard.

Have a great time!!

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Well unless you were lurking like I usually do. But then you get the crappy tandem spot and have to dump high to get back.

Last person I talked into making a jump which I wasn't even trying she was out to watch her friends make a jump. So after she decided to do it and filled out the waiver, the 1st thing she said to me was you are going with me right? You talked me into it you have to go. So since Derek was her TM I of course got to lurk, she was totally stoked, although Derek did say she wasn't impressed in the plane with me napping. :P

Fly it like you stole it!

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I can't wait for when I can lurk. But I guess I don't have enough jump numbers yet. :)
Also, my friend who did her first tandem yesterday made the same comment about me when she looked over towards me for some reassurance and there I was with my eyes closed. But I was jumping in Calhan in a small Cessna and it was a long long long flight up to altitude. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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OK, looks like time for a little more clarification....as much as I desperately want to I CAN NOT JUMP...I have just been pieced back together and bone just does not grow back as fast as you hope it would.....SO Jumping is not an option.
I think I have decided to ride the plane and take the chance we may or may not be down before the tandems land. When I think back to my first jump, the plane ride was nearly as much fun as the jump itself. There will be video, so if I do have to miss the landing, the look will be captured. Thanks guys for all the suggestions! (except for those of you who keep rubbin it in about the jumpin :P)

Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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