
It's official - JFTC 131-way

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It's official! The Jump for the Cause ladies just completed a 131-way formation and held it for over 10 seconds! CONGRATS LADIES!

10 Seconds! Sounds like you need more planes for the next record!

Beautiful work! Can't wait to see the pictures.


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I met so many wonderful people too.

well, that was because of the absolutely delectable little outfit you were wearing last night!!! :P mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! :$

HOT, folks. VERY HOT. y'all know little ol' harmless me -- i ain't affected by that kinda stuff, but my roommate... omg... buteho was moaning her name in his sleep this morning... :D:D:D


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I am so proud of the women who participated and those who wanted to. I know a lot of women couldnt go but raised money for the Cause.

Congratulations!!! x131

But dont forget that breast cancer continues to be a problem for women and even men. I personally have had a chunk of my boobie whacked off. The fear of waiting to see if they got it all is worse than the actual whackage, for sure. I cant imagine what women go thru if its not caught early. So, girls do monthly checks.
How to Do Breast Self-Exam
Lie down. Flatten your right breast by placing a pillow under your right shoulder. Place your right arm behind your head.

Use the sensitive finger pads (where your fingerprints are, not the tips) of the middle three fingers on your left hand. Feel for lumps using a circular, rubbing motion in small, dime-sized circles without lifting the fingers. Powder, oil or lotion can be applied to the breast to make it easier for the fingers to glide over the surface and feel changes.

Press firmly enough to feel different breast tissues, using three different pressures. First, light pressure to just move the skin without jostling the tissue beneath, then medium pressure pressing midway into the tissue, and finally deep pressure to probe more deeply down to the ribs or to the point just short of discomfort..

Completely feel all of the breast and chest area up under your armpit, and up to the collarbone and all the way over to your shoulder to cover breast tissue that extends toward the shoulder.

Use the same pattern to feel every part of the breast tissue. Choose the method easiest for you:

Lines: start in the underarm area and move your fingers downward little by little until they are below the breast. Then move your fingers slightly toward the middle, and slowly move back up. Go up and down until you cover the whole area.

Circles: Beginning at the outer edge of your breast, move your fingers slowly around the breast in a circle. Move around the breast in smaller and smaller circles, gradually working toward the nipple. Don't forget to check the underarm and upper chest areas, too.

Wedges: Starting at the outer edge of the breast, move your fingers toward the nipple and back to the edge. Check your whole breast, covering one small wedge-shaped section at a time. Be sure to check the underarm area and the upper chest.

After you have completely examined your right breast, then examine your left breast using the same method and your right hand, with a pillow under your left shoulder.

You may want to examine your breasts or do an extra exam while showering. It's easy to slide soapy hands over your skin, and to feel anything unusual.

You should also check your breasts in a mirror looking for any change in size or contour, dimpling of the skin or spontaneous nipple discharge.

Now you guys can do boobie checks too. Help a sistah out and follow the directions above. The part about lotion or oil, the flavor is at your discretion.


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