
JFTC day one

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I don't even know how to start this... :(

Opening ceremonies were really cool. Mallory and LambChop entertained us (never thought I'd hear LambChop admitting that she was drunk :o), notable people were introduced. Then it was off to the landing area in jumpsuits for the first dirt dive.

Can you say "pink"? I was told later in the day that they could see us - well - from freefall while we were dirt diving.

Today was all about getting the aircraft formation how we want it, getting used to the exit and the (varying) picture that we see on exit and getting used to/adjusting to the fall rate. Thus, we were exiting at around 12,500 all day; saving the expensive oxygen and extra fuel for dives where we can focus on completions (world records :)
We got a late start after breakfast; first load finally went up around noon. Like Bill said, there were 60-ish in - one of them me. B| But... I docked before the zipper I was docking on built - trust me, I didn't (and won't) forget that again!

Second load went up after lunch. That one built even further - probably 80 or so? I was in my slot on this one too. I felt like I was a bit close to my tracking leader at pull time; no big deal, we talked and worked out what to do on the next one.

Dirt dived the third one a bit after 4. Loaded up in the plane (we have Skydive Monterey Bay's Otter; it has a stereo B|B|), got buckled in... and word was passed back to take off our seatbelts. The pilot was having trouble starting an engine and wanted us to be able to get off the plane quickly if needed.

It wouldn't start and wouldn't start and finally we all got off the plane while the mechanics checked it out. After kicking back on the helipad for awhile they had it fixed and we loaded back up.

This was a great skydive. It was flying quiet, almost everyone was in the video frame when the first p/c was thrown, two of the seven way lines completed and most of the whackers were lurking. If we can fly like that tomorrow... well, from 16k I think we have a pretty good chance of getting a record before this week is over.

First right trail Otter - E plane - are the best! You heard it here first... ;)

Okay, now for the sad news. Since I don't know how much of the family and friends have been notified I'm not going to post a name. But on the last dive we had a fatality. I don't know enough details to post; I only know what is basically gossip so I'm not gonna go there.

I knew her; met her in Eloy at the big way camp and saw her again at WFFC. I didn't know her real well but damn it, it hurts.:(

We're starting with a 9am dirt dive tomorrow.

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Sorry ta here about the loss too... that sucks,, prayers for all of you!! My friend has the slot E2,, names Patty,, long ponytail,, give'r a hug for me otay,,
Hang tough ladies!!
Blue Skies and soft landings...

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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Congrats on doing so well in your slot yesterday. I am so proud of you!

Sorry to hear about the loss of a pink sister. Keep your chin up, stay focused, and be safe.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Thanks for keeping us informed, Lisa and glad you are doing well. It's so sad to hear about our Sista of the Sky, but I'm sure she is still right beside you in the air, cheering you all on. :)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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To all of you that are mourning the loss of this beautiful woman and fellow skydiver I would like to offer this official statement from the Jump for the Cause organizers:

At 5:30 pm on Monday, October 14th, Shannon Embry died while making a skydive. Shannon, 40 years of age, was an experienced skydiver from Tennessee. She was participating in the Women's World Record attempt, "Jump for the Cause", a breast cancer fundraiser. After an uneventful skydive, her main parachute malfunctioned and, for unknown reasons, she was unable to jettison her main parachute and open her reserve parachute. She gave her life while trying to save the lives of others. Shannon is mourned her sisters on this skydive, skydivers worldwide, and by her friends and family.

Please take the time to hug a friend and tell them how important they are, for none of us knows when we will be able to do it again.

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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I am very saddend to hear about the loss. I hope her family an friends know she was doing something she totaly enjoyed :(:(:(

Now onto the CONGRATS!! Lisa you guys are FUCKING PINK!!!!!!!!! I think I even saw you during freefall from Houston! I've been watching the Perriscam the last 2 days an all I have to say is GO GET UM TIGER!! Pepto-Pink rulz!!

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I think we should take a little time today to send all our positive energy and prayers (to whatever God or power you happen to believe in) not only to Shannon and her family and friends but also to all the ladies participating in JFTC. As sad as it sounds it is true that "Out of tradgedy comes triumph" I'm sure Shannon will be flying along side of the girls as they complete the record and I'm sure each and everyone of them will be flying with Shannon in their hearts.


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