
how often do you work out

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Just want to see how healthy of a life style some of us here lead. Personally I spend about 4-5 days at the gym and run about 3 times a week. But all that goes down the drain usually on Friday whne I get to drinking.
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i am a lazy ass. Funny part is when i was high school swimming several miles a day wousn't that big a deal!!:S

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At least not officially...But I almost always walk to class from my apartment, and I usually never take the elevator when I can take the stairs. I've also just been signed off to pack unsupervised, meaning every pack job is its own little workout!

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when i'm at work on a drilling rig, i try to get as much as i can, but inherently, as soon as i get going, something happens, always. but when i'm home, mon-fri. even though i road bike, and mountain bike, and lift, i still have a propensity to gain/lose 10-20 pounds either way in a span of 2 or three days, and YES andros is way kewel!
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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I play squash racquets at lunch during the week, which is lots of running. Otherwise, walk and run in the city at various times, a few miles a day. Skydiving doesn't really keep us in shape.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

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I'm just now really getting back into my workout schedule. It really fell away last semester and especially after I hurt my knee, but I'm getting back on it, getting my diet back in order and loving it.

I don't take Andro, but I lift a lot of very heavy weights 4 days a week, generally I have an ephedra stack around to help with energy, creatine daily and I'm getting my protein intake back up to how it should be.

I'm starting to run again (slooooowly), but thats going slow due to nagging knee problems. While I was still in the Corps of Cadets we would average 3 miles atleast 3 times a week, so I'm looking forward to getting back to that point. :)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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dave, clue me in, what's an andro?

i have tried creatine before, but i hate doing weights and quit both at the same time. i walk 5 miles (in an hour) 3 or 4 times a week and plan on getting back into karate. might give pilates a try. flexibility is important!
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I have over $3000 worth of gym equipment sitting right behind me, to include a $900 treadmill; none of which I use at all anymore. I have a $1500 mountain bike hanging from my ceiling with flat tires from lack of usage.

Still, my incredibly high metabolism and my inability to "sit still" for more than a few minutes at a time make it impossible for me to be out of shape. Riding my motorcycle FAST, hauling meat (tandems), and skydiving all the time keep me plenty strong. I may not be the Tes/Deca trapezoid boy I used to be, but I am still an SF scuba god and can keep up with the young pups when it comes down to it.

Hey, 39 and not a single gray hair. It's all about good genes!

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There have been quite a few University research projects about Creatine, proving that 5mg a day will help most strenuous excersize program out a lot. i.e. hard core karate, running, weight lifting...

Andro, that's short for a few different versions and types of Androstenediol and/or Androstene. The jury is still out as to how much benifit they actually have when taken orally (as most are) and it is known that the topical stuff is bunk. Some people swear by them, some don't, basically the point of andro type products is to try to elivate HGH and/or testosterone.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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dave, clue me in, what's an andro?

i'm not Dave, but andros is a precursor to testerone, you take it, and in about 10 minutes you can bite nails in half! your body naturally creates it's own testerone, but andros or androstendione is just a "boost" Mark McGuire made it famous when he had his home run record setting year. it was banned at the time from the olympics, and football, but not baseball, many dietary supplement companies wouldn't even sell it, but their full on now! GNC sells "Androfuel" and thats what i take. try it!
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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I usually take the Andro Poppers by Pinnacle. I guess I would be one of the ones that sweras by them. It does allow you to lift more weight and not feel the affects as bad the next day.

For those of you who take it, how many do you take a day and for how long before you cycle off?

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Once upon a time. No more teams, no more free gym, no more chasing women....

Now it's just the bike to class and random stuff though even that's in danger if I can get my brother's Katana. The little woman is a bit of a health nut though, so that should help.

B| or [:/], can't decide

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