
I'm a freak

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Some people like freaking in the morning,
Some people like freaking at night,
Some people don't like freaking at all,
Some people are too uptight.

Some people like to call it a booty call,
Some people like to call it making love,
Some people call getting dirty
I call it all of the above
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Speaking of my clown Stanley. Yeah, I heard from him, but briefly. It was two in the morning, I was past out from a heavy night of drinking and masturbating. Window shattering woke me up. I jumped up, ran to the window and Stanley was standing there butt fucking naked with only his face painted in that horrible clown makeup. He had his bright red curly hair wig on. Stanley was standing there holding a dead pigeon in one hand and his balls in the other. The frightning smile on his face made me piss in my boxers. He stood there laughing, pulling tightly on his sack, stretching it in all kinds of different ways. He said something about those assholes selling cigarettes on the black market, but I couldnt really understand what he was saying. I think he was drunk, judging by the auwful odor of whiskey and pot.
I stood there not sure if I was asleep dreaming all this or not. But having Stanley throwing the dead pigieon at my face let me know that I was awake. Stanley just ran off. That was the last I heard of him.

7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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why did stanley file a restraining order againt you? sounds to me like he's been harrasing you. last time i spoke with stanley, he advised you were the one having various sexual deviational relationships, something about cows, and sheep i think he even mentioned a cat or two. what gives? which one of you is telling the truth here?
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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why did stanley file a restraining order againt you? sounds to me like he's been harrasing you. last time i spoke with stanley, he advised you were the one having various sexual deviational relationships, something about cows, and sheep i think he even mentioned a cat or two. what gives? which one of you is telling the truth here?

Stanley is a pathological liar, but he is MY pathological liar!
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Stanley is a pathological liar, but he is MY pathological liar!


just to make sure i'm clear on this, your saying stanley is a liar? he says your a sexual deviant...His Sexaual Deviant! ;) so does he have dentures?
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Stanley is a pathological liar, but he is MY pathological liar!


just to make sure i'm clear on this, your saying stanley is a liar? he says your a sexual deviant...His Sexaual Deviant! ;) so does he have dentures?

No dentures involved. Let me tell you about how I met Stanley. It was a cold friday night. It had rained all day, but be it that I only live a block from the liquor store, I decided to walk anyway. I undressed in my batjhroom until I was completly naked with only socks a shoes on. I grabbed the dark trench coat out of the closet, put it on, and left for the liquor store. Not even a minute into my walk, I saw a nice old lady standing at the bus station. She must have been at least 85. I thought to myself, how wonderful would it be to flash the sweet old lady. I mean, she probably hasn't seen a penis in at least 20 years. So I quielty snuck up on her from the behind, jumped in front of her, threw open my trench coat and started dancing like I was Dr. Dre on the "Up In Smoke" tour. Unfortunatly, she wasn;t the only one at the bus station. There were also a couple of older guys, mayby in there 30's. I guess they didn't enjoy my performance like the old hag did, So I ended up getting jumped.
Out of nowhere, I swear to god, comes this fucking clown. I mean, I couldnt believe that shit. A fucking clown?!? He ended up helping me out. Let me tell you, Stanley can throw a fuckin punch.
We ended up getting four bottles of tequila to ease my pain, and just hung out the rest of the night watching girl on girl action on the pay per view channel.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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i noticed you didn't answer the question, Stanley says your a sexual deviant, well...are you? for real, cows? sheep, maybe, but cows? that's really, really sick. (if Stanley is being truthful that is)
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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i noticed you didn't answer the question, Stanley says your a sexual deviant, well...are you? for real, cows? sheep, maybe, but cows? that's really, really sick. (if Stanley is being truthful that is)

i think the whole sexual deviant thing comes from the endless hours of porno movies. no iam not a sexual deviant. stanley is...
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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that is TOO funny! if i didn't know for my self that Stanley is high on crack all the time, i'd believe him instead of you. sucker used up all my brillo the other day, well, it wasn't actually brillo pads though, all i had was some left over SOS pads, he washed the rest of the soap out of them, and used that, but he complained about the taste, and i complained about the smell. he had a rock the size of a baseball, he said he found it in the park behind a flower bed, but about 30 minutes later, a bunch of gang members came to my front yard asking if i had seen a clown in funny clothes, i just told them no. (he was hiding in the garage) as far as that goes, they fit their own description! HAH!! B|:) so do you prefer herefords, or black angus cattle? :D

"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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