
your last will and testament...

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When I was in high school, we had a kinda funny tradition. The senoir class would each write an inspirational type "last will and testament" leaving their thoughts, advice and stuff to the underclassmen. (Things like "I hereby leave such-and-such a new girlfriend.To whats-his-name the ability to stay awake in biology.The band good luck at competition next year. The freshman class a little maturity. The up-coming seniors a great yr to 'rule the school'. " etc etc)Right before graduation all of the wills would be edited for "clean and appropriate behavior" and published in the school newspaper. It was kinda silly, but it was fun.

I was just wondering, what kind of things we would say or "bequeath" to other jumpers and people around the sport (DZOs, pilots etc). I don't mean if someone really did pass away (God forbid!)..I'm just talking about as a kind of joke like leaving someone the ability to stand up a landing or not funnel a dive.

What are your thoughts? What would you do?

(yes I'm bored and this is totally stupid.I'm just killing time by post whoring.;))

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I'd leave my ability to drop ass (fart) in the jump plane. Other people's farts pale in comparison...

you obviously haven't been in a jumpship with chris miller yet, that dude is rude! make a fella get out early and take a bad spot!
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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I leave my bathing suits to the winter Brit visitors so they can leave
the Speedos at home.

that BY FAR is the BEST idea i've heard since moving here. I think customs should remove speedos from their luggage as par tof increased security measures.

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I'd give Clay a pen full of tranquilized sheep so he can have his way with them.

I'd also hook Viking up with a Hooker and tranquilize him so he can't run away. :)

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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