
Whats it gonna take ???

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O.K.,its been just over three weeks since I broke my leg(tibia,2 clean breaks).I went back in for x rays this afternoon.They took x rays too low,I was telling her its not the ankle,the break is higher.She pretty much ignored me.When the ortho was looking at them I pointed out that he was looking at the wrong place.Was sent back,x rays(higher up).Had to point out TWO breaks to the ortho.Told me to come back in two weeks.Wasn't really surprised by the seeming lack of knowledge of my case but still a little dissapointed. :| Dont they read charts ?So,I go back in two weeks and if they remove the cast what is the procedure as far as being able to get back in the air?Maybe a week or two rehab then the Doc signs me off?Any one give me any idea what it takes ?
The Dude Abides.

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I doubt you will get back in the air that soon after the cast is removed:(. It hasn't been that long since you broke it...and in two places. Don't rush this, because it will take some time to heal properly.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Any one give me any idea what it takes ?

my tibia break was in the ankle (lots of good connective tissue to screw with), so my case may be a bit different, but...

i was in cast for a little over two months, with signoff to get back in the air at the three month mark. i gave it a couple of extra weeks, being that i could barely walk at the time! ;)



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ok here we go . i had a tib/fib fracture and crushed a few of the small bones in my ankle that was possably compounded then popped back inside i had a very good doctor that put me back together with a 6in plate and 7 screws.
i was in a cast for 2 months and a brace for another 2.5 months and had crutches for the total time. i wasnt up to jumping for another 2 months and when i did i went for a tandem just to get in the air. when we landed i realized it was too soon cuz my leg hurt for another month after.
so i decided to lay off until i was back to full duty to resume jumping. i didnt get back to full duty for a year and 5 months after the accident. and the military loves to get you back up and running as soon as possable.
my advice is to take it easy and remember that if you dont let it heal completly before jumping again you could end up with some serious problems. drink plenty of milk (best with vodka and baileys irish creme). and if you are not pleased with your doctor get a second opinion.
good luck and no they dont read charts doctors have terrible hand writing
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Yeah,Im just anxious to get back.I went 7 months without jumping,did the recurrency training and jump one weekend and the next weekend I biffed it:S .As far as sounding like I was being aggresive at the hospital,I was probably the happiest asshole they saw all day.Thats just the way I am(most of the time).

The Dude Abides.

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My criteria for returning to the sky were running without pain and being able to jump off a picnic table onto both feet (not favoring one or the other) with no pain..... just in case you flare a little high you need to be able to absorb the impact without damaging yourself. Took me 4 months. Doctor said 6 but I was way ahead of schedule with my healing the entire time. Drink your milk, take lots of calcium, do PT, and for goodness sake DON'T walk on it until they tell you to! Also - you may think you're gonna want to jump the minute the cast comes off - but you will be surprised how stiff and sore you may be. Don't rush it. You only get ONE chance to heal correctly the first time around. The sky will always be there waiting for you.:)

Fall in dove.

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Running across the room is one thing, as Lisa said, plus I was advised to to try a few PLFs etc from the fan trainer, or similar object, and be honest with yourself about the pain etc..

Look at it his way, a couple of months is nothing, especially at this time of year, back too soon and you could screw it up for the rest of your life..

Me?...I was 2 1/2 years on the ground after I stuffed up my femur, but that was exceptional.

Not jumping will not kill you.

Patience young Jedei

Edited to add...what Dove said too, I remember chatting with her a while back about the frustrations....

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I would suggest that you wait until your capable of running. Not using your leg, atrophy sets in real fast, and your muscles and connecting tissues weaken. I broke my Femur, and I could walk in almost 3 months. But I couldnt run for a year. Of course I skydived, and I ended up messing my leg up even worse. Its better to let it heal before you put the pressure of jumping on it. If you had a bad landing you could really mess yourself up. Just adding on to what everyone else said.

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I have a very good friend that is a physical therapist and he allready told me he would do any rehab neccesary.Thanks for all the advice,Im sure you guys understand the way I feel as far as wanting to get back in the air.
The Dude Abides.

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Yo man, take it easy, those bones will not be completely knitted together for atleast 2-3 months. That means 2 months with no weight on that leg!!!! Now you don't really need a cast if its held together with any plates/screws or pins ect... But you need to take major care not to twist the leg or put any weight on it!
I highly recommend you go find another Orthopedist ASAP, preferably a good sports Ortho. I'm currently recovering from a fractured tib/fib and I have a excellent Ortho who I've discussed my work and sports with and he's adamant about taking time to heal properly and then lots of rehab.
I did mine Aug 24th and I don't plan on jumping until like everyone else and my ortho has said " you have full use with no pain", this means with rehab probably 4-5 months.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

Xray plates and screws 2002.jpg

incision Left 2002.jpg

fracture blister 2002.jpg

pop goes the blister 2002.jpg

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O K, but Im still gonna fuckin cry.Gotta be realistic here.I know if I land ANYTHING like that last time too soon,I'd be toast.Thanks for pushing reality on me.Im sure I need to hear it from you guys,not just Dr.s and family,hell,If mom said"oh dear,wait a little longer"I would probably tell her to Kick Rocks.

The Dude Abides.

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