
bridge day : dz.com

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Good timing. I was just about to post a headcount thread as well. :)
Me, Levin & Brit are going. We'll be heading out Thursday afternoon and probably be getting in early Friday morning sometime.

It would be cool to get an informal meeting of bridge-jumping-dz-dot-commers together somewhere. B|

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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A bunch of my club from Maytown are going and one fellow is jump his ROUND.
We got the 182 out Monday afternoon for a dusting off for bridge day(not open mondays).
We figure he'll spend most of his day getting retrieved from the trees.(It deploys EXTREMLY quick & floats off)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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A bunch of my club from Maytown are going and one fellow is jump his ROUND.

Jumping a round shouldn't be a problem. There's lots of deep water under the exit. If you take a delay of 5+, it should be virtually impossible to miss the deep water.
-- Tom Aiello


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Say hi to Douglas for me!

I'll be at the pro-bureaucracy, anti-freedom, we are all merely enslaved peons, sell your soul for a lousy bridge jump day.

But I promise to exercise my anti-government leanings in the week immediately following...
-- Tom Aiello


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Does anyone want to suggest a meeting place? Or perhaps whoever checks in first can just post their room number?

That would be good. Or we could meet sometime after registration in the bar area (I'm assuming the Holiday Inn has a bar).

I'll be hitting the first jump & packing seminars, but we can probably figure out time that could work for everyone.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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'Course we could also just use Lew as a central meeting point.

I mean, how many super-tall blonde chicks can there be in one place? ;)

I'm the short shaved-bald guy with a blondish goatee. A little harder to pick out in a crowd but that's a start. ;)

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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