
What do you when you can't jump...

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just bored at work again! What do you when you can't jump...

right now it's to cold for me to jump and not cold enough for snow to be made so I do alot of downhill mountain biking and by november will be snowboarding.

just curious

What do you when you can't jump?...

I shoot ppl on the side of the highway>:(
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Its never to cold to jump...Your obviously not a diehard skydiver.

I love living in the South also. The only time we don't jump is for weather, and then I drive an hour and 15 minutes to the DZ to bitch about the weather, I would rather be there than be in the shitty city that is Columbia.:P

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Fuck FARs! Lets jump through clouds. The only thing to fear is fear itself!

that's right, you now what F.A.R. means to me?

Not N.E.A.R. For this coming weekend I am using British rules.:o

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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DUDE! it's colder here at Maytown than at Crosskeys and we were out jumping sunset on Monday. I plan on snow jumps. Our runway gets cleared and away we go! (PS2 Kelly Slater-pro surfer is a good pacifier)
dress warm and don't smile,you'll be fine.;)
p.s. I moved from Lake Placid to here so I could jump more.

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usually more trouble is caused in bad weather in my past experiences. I recall a potato gun incident with a moving car, knee boarding on a swoop pond (board attached to a moving vehicle), skateboarding while attached to BigAir Kites, tying people to creepers with electrical cords and having creeper races through puddles, and people doing just about anything for $5 (I believe someone even tried to drink a gallon of whole milk and keep it down...) bad weather=trouble. Let's just jump.

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LOVE your "hang-tough" style Dude!
Last weekend cloud-cover and winds GROUNDED us students. I pouted [unsure]the 90 mile drive home and continued to do so for a coupla days! I'm a student in AFP & will continue to jump for as long as I can :Sin this michigan cold weather...to get thru to my A-License(eventually, anyways)!!!
I envy those who have better weather all year than we Northerners do! Once I AM licensed I'll take some winter trips to warmer climes to jump, too! :)

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