ChrisD 0 #26 April 19, 2013 Quote "If someone I know and respect wishes to chime in,..." Is this the"obvious" you were speaking about? If you take this thread out of Gear and Rigging and put it in the swooping section perhaps yo would have recived a different response. But since so many nieve newbies read the gear section safety, safety, and safety are first on many minds. Apparently Greg W and or Nick G are too busy too respond. There are not a lot of individuals that jump various canopies week in and week out. But those individuals that have jumped many, many different canopies on an ongoing basis are and can be found teaching canopy control courses most week ends. I'm sorry for you, in soo many different ways that on a public forum you have taken the time to point out you don't want to hear from anyone other than: {us} "if someone I know and respect wishes to chime in,..." Aparently you don't know anyone that wishes to chime in??? I only took the time to reply cause after reading your words I wanted to fill some white space with usless driviel, knowing that there probably isn't going to be a lot of people out there that have jumped the 20 or so most popular high wing loading canopies in the last 6 monthes or so that you can get your individulized hand taylored flying report so that you can make your impending purchasing decision from on-line sources only. I'm sorry also that I don't know you, it is after some time you will at least respect me?? I want to be your buddie, so that we can be friends and someday you can respect me? Will you respect me the day after or will you be like soo many and just want to leave me cold and alone with my morning breath the next day? Quote but I have enough experience to make informed decisions,... Or was that the obvious? Could you be a little more specific? To wich informed decisions are you referring? Your ability? Or the fact that you don't appear to know anything about current canopies, I mean the various brands and manufacturers and what they have to offer? On the swooping and caonopy section there are lots of opinions about different canopies! Perhaps if you asked a question like: "Can anyone tell me the differences that control input makes between a Velo and a Katana 120?" But if yo do it here yo might get a few people to respond that are not aware of your fame and worldwide ability... I also have a request, if you can find it in your heart to be a little humble, however difficult you may find that to be, that I am a sensitive peerson! I have feelings too! That people actually do care about you! Anyways I don't want to be know as a caonopy ________ (enter the word that so many use to describe the National socialists during the 30s' and 40s' , I can't bring myself to use that word! I have a lot of friends that are jewish, black, green, French, etc, that take great offence to the use of that word.) I would like to be known as a "Safety (Blank)." I also am soo glad your a "Big Boy" reminds me of John Holmes, I am giddy with anticipation....have we seen you in any "Film"? Oh BTW there ar some excellent canopie films out there perhaps one of your people that you know can let you watch it or you can purchase a copy, there is some most excellt canopy (brands) suggestions in those films as well . I hope I haven't "lecture{d}" too much, I don't always know what is politically corect in these day and age? Any one have some "peanut{s}" they can share? Can someone post that link to that facebook? page of things that have gone wrong while swooping page??? The one with all of the nice pictures? Just so that marc can see some of the changes that he has missed?? Anyone, anyone, Buhuler? But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bufobufo 0 #27 April 19, 2013 This one? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisD 0 #28 April 19, 2013 Quote This one? Thahk you, thank you! Awsome!But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUPRA 0 #29 April 20, 2013 Quote Quote "If someone I know and respect wishes to chime in,..." Is this the"obvious" you were speaking about? If you take this thread out of Gear and Rigging and put it in the swooping section perhaps yo would have recived a different response. But since so many nieve newbies read the gear section safety, safety, and safety are first on many minds. Apparently Greg W and or Nick G are too busy too respond. There are not a lot of individuals that jump various canopies week in and week out. But those individuals that have jumped many, many different canopies on an ongoing basis are and can be found teaching canopy control courses most week ends. I'm sorry for you, in soo many different ways that on a public forum you have taken the time to point out you don't want to hear from anyone other than: {us} "if someone I know and respect wishes to chime in,..." Aparently you don't know anyone that wishes to chime in??? I only took the time to reply cause after reading your words I wanted to fill some white space with usless driviel, knowing that there probably isn't going to be a lot of people out there that have jumped the 20 or so most popular high wing loading canopies in the last 6 monthes or so that you can get your individulized hand taylored flying report so that you can make your impending purchasing decision from on-line sources only. I'm sorry also that I don't know you, it is after some time you will at least respect me?? I want to be your buddie, so that we can be friends and someday you can respect me? Will you respect me the day after or will you be like soo many and just want to leave me cold and alone with my morning breath the next day? Quote but I have enough experience to make informed decisions,... Or was that the obvious? Could you be a little more specific? To wich informed decisions are you referring? Your ability? Or the fact that you don't appear to know anything about current canopies, I mean the various brands and manufacturers and what they have to offer? On the swooping and caonopy section there are lots of opinions about different canopies! Perhaps if you asked a question like: "Can anyone tell me the differences that control input makes between a Velo and a Katana 120?" But if yo do it here yo might get a few people to respond that are not aware of your fame and worldwide ability... I also have a request, if you can find it in your heart to be a little humble, however difficult you may find that to be, that I am a sensitive peerson! I have feelings too! That people actually do care about you! Anyways I don't want to be know as a caonopy ________ (enter the word that so many use to describe the National socialists during the 30s' and 40s' , I can't bring myself to use that word! I have a lot of friends that are jewish, black, green, French, etc, that take great offence to the use of that word.) I would like to be known as a "Safety (Blank)." I also am soo glad your a "Big Boy" reminds me of John Holmes, I am giddy with anticipation....have we seen you in any "Film"? Oh BTW there ar some excellent canopie films out there perhaps one of your people that you know can let you watch it or you can purchase a copy, there is some most excellt canopy (brands) suggestions in those films as well . I hope I haven't "lecture{d}" too much, I don't always know what is politically corect in these day and age? Any one have some "peanut{s}" they can share? Can someone post that link to that facebook? page of things that have gone wrong while swooping page??? The one with all of the nice pictures? Just so that marc can see some of the changes that he has missed?? Anyone, anyone, Buhuler? Bad day at the office? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisD 0 #30 April 20, 2013 Bad day at the office, No not really. I'm just pullin a Ron White Safety wize we are not of to a great start this year, I just wanted to go to bed knowing I can stir the pot a little! Do everyting I can I guess! If some one gets this message, if just one person thinks about this issue,...way too much monkey see lately, that kind of thing! Thanks for askin though, Marc, just stepped into it, I was waiting for this, I have a list of issues, he was the first innocent to be sacraficed! Guy sounds kind of cool actually! But 11 years is a long time to be out and then when he fit the profile of wanting to start back up swooping and flying fast, ya that's his buisness??? Heck I was near a large formation the other day, and if you took the time to stow your slider,..."you were out." I'm a minor safety Nazzi compared to this place, (perris) Your going to start to see a trend, Starting with PD as just one example where some of us are going to start limiting gear to certian individuals, yes there is a line and I don't know where that is going to be, but it's an attempt to stem the flow of under canopy issues, (over 50%) cause the number of crash's is getting to high and the public rep affects us all! There is a very public pressure every time stupid rears it head and if I hold the keys to the aircraft, well you get the idea, everyone needs to decide if a few are going to damage the sport for the majority? Just my 2 cents for Saturday! CBut what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufk22 33 #31 April 20, 2013 Questions I would ask before making a recommendation on a canopy. 1. Why were you not jumping for 11 years? 2. How much weight have you gained in 11 years? 3. Is 100 jumps/year reallistic, or just what you're hoping for? 4. What else has changed in your life now that you're 11 years older? 5. How would a serious injury affect your current life/job status?This is the paradox of skydiving. We do something very dangerous, expose ourselves to a totally unnecesary risk, and then spend our time trying to make it safer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcwgarber 0 #32 April 25, 2013 Ok, that's useful, thanks. I have a line on a used Stiletto 135 and will probably give it a whirl in a couple of weeks. The first Stiletto 135 I ever jumped belonged to Roger Nelson - now there's a memory. MarcA ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcwgarber 0 #33 April 25, 2013 I am knowledgeable about my skills. I am not knowledgeable about my canopy options (hence my post). OBVIOUSLY my skills will be somewhat rusty, which is why I am inquiring about options that will be MORE CONSERVATIVE than what I used to jump. I explained all of this right off the bat. I have communicated clearly and my questions have been reasonable. Some people have understood that and offered helpful responses (and I thank those people). To those who have chosen to offer comments that are non-responsive to my questions, please understand that I am a Big Boy taking a conservative approach. I don't need to be second-guessed or lectured. Really. Marc Quote Really,,,? If you were knowledgeable about your skills, then you wouldn't be asking these questions....if you are that skilled then you would know what canopy to get.......if you don't know what canopy to get because you have been gone awhile,,,then guess what,,,your skills have also been away....think A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcwgarber 0 #34 April 25, 2013 Thank you - more useful feedback. Don't worry - I won't be going with a 2.2 wingloading. I won't be staying current enough for that sort of speed. I'll probably stay around 1.5, give or take a little based upon the flight characteristics of whatever I choose. Marc Quote Even if it is steeper in flight then a stiletto I highly recommend you try a katana before deciding on buying anything. After few test jumps on a crossfire2 139 @ 2.14WL I felt it wasn't my type of canopy and I liked the mamba better. A visiting jumper had a katana 135 and said I could try it and fortunately I did. 2.2WL and I was able to land it without sliding on my feet in the grass in low wind which is very helpful now when landing in 3 inches of snow in zero wind conditions ~1,9WL. I don't recommend 2,2 WL though or you will notice it gets tough to get home from a long spot even in brakes. 1,6-1,9 somewhere is where I suspect you get the most fun out of it. I also felt the katana was responding well when using the harness, easy to pull the fronts, acceptable on rears and the openings are exciting! :PA ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcwgarber 0 #35 April 25, 2013 Thank you - this is helpful. The Crossfire 2 is definitely a common theme! I'll see if I can find one to try out. Marc Quote I am in the same boat kind of. I am coming back after a 6 year lay off. I talked to my friend who knows me good and knew how I fly my canopy. He recommended a Crossfire 2 over a Stiletto, he has remained working in the sport. If you want to see what people can get out of a Crossfire 2 swoop wise I suggest you look it up on youtube. I think you will be rather surprised. For me I got a 119, used to fly a 107 Stiletto. I will work my way back down on rental gear.A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcwgarber 0 #36 April 26, 2013 Chris - you need to work on your reading comprehension. I did NOT say that I wanted to "start back up swooping and flying fast." I said I was looking for MORE CONSERVATIVE options than what I used to fly. I offered relevant data about myself so that people would be able to offer relevant suggestions as to newer canopies - not so that I could be lectured. My approach to recurrency is reasonable and sound - the lectures are pointless and silly. I know very damned well what the risks are. If you read what I actually wrote it sort of blows up the entire premise of darn near everything that you've said to me. Marc Quote Guy sounds kind of cool actually! But 11 years is a long time to be out and then when he fit the profile of wanting to start back up swooping and flying fast, ya that's his buisness??? C A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcwgarber 0 #37 April 26, 2013 1. Kids 2. 10 pounds 3. 100 jumps/year is a max. Will probably be less. I stated already that I am not seeking a sub-100 cross-braced canopy because I will not be staying current enough for that level of performance. 4. I'm in comparable physical condition now to what I was 11 years ago. 5. I have insurance and other resources. With that background further elaborated, what are your thoughts? Marc Quote Questions I would ask before making a recommendation on a canopy. 1. Why were you not jumping for 11 years? 2. How much weight have you gained in 11 years? 3. Is 100 jumps/year reallistic, or just what you're hoping for? 4. What else has changed in your life now that you're 11 years older? 5. How would a serious injury affect your current life/job status?A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufk22 33 #38 April 26, 2013 Given all that and the fact that you say just 90's I would start back with a Stiletto. It's still a terrific all-around canopy. It's what you know how to fly (even after that many years, you'll get back to speed on this pretty quick). 135's are easy to find used. New high performance canopies have very different flight characteristics. If after a year or two you want to move on to something else, you won't lose much.This is the paradox of skydiving. We do something very dangerous, expose ourselves to a totally unnecesary risk, and then spend our time trying to make it safer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcwgarber 0 #39 April 26, 2013 You make some good points, thanks. I currently have a line on a Stiletto 135 that I'll probably test out in a couple of weeks. If I remain semi-current then it will be conservative and familiar enough for me. If I start jumping regularly then I'll have time to figure out exactly what I want (model and size). I must admit that I'm really curious about the Crossfire 2 now, because so many people mentioned it, but I suppose I can be patient, LOL. And I will probably do a little more than 90 degree turns to final but I definitely won't be getting too aggressive at this point. Thanks again, Marc Quote Given all that and the fact that you say just 90's I would start back with a Stiletto. It's still a terrific all-around canopy. It's what you know how to fly (even after that many years, you'll get back to speed on this pretty quick). 135's are easy to find used. New high performance canopies have very different flight characteristics. If after a year or two you want to move on to something else, you won't lose much.A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #40 April 27, 2013 Quote I currently have a line on a Stiletto 135 that I'll probably test out in a couple of weeks. I was super current on my Stiletto 135 some years ago and after a 10 year layoff from jumping I jumped the 135 with the feeling of being with an old friend...we still knew each other very well...not sayin I was going to bust a 270 or 180. With a little brake I flew side by side with a PD 190...we were both about 185 lbs. YMMV hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites