
the cops among us !

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I don't bring my job to the drop zone. How about you, are you a rat or not?

Hmmmm, must be the comments like this that give me the impression.

I too check the badge at the door. On the DZ, I just want to skydive and be around my friends.

However, that said, I would prefer that you show me the courtesy of moving out of sight before you fire up a bowl at the party later. In the 3+ years Ive been jumping, Ive always been shown that courtesy by the jumpers at my DZ and I love em for that.


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I used to skydive at a very liberal collage during the 70's. Most of the people in our club seemed to live on "wacky tobaccy". Being about the biggest red- neck in Montana, I didn't think I'd fit in well. But I wanted to jump. Everyone accepted me though simply because I was a brother skydiver and I had an open mind about what they did. Steve1

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I had 13 years in when I got retired two years ago due to injury.

Did you lose all your "old" friends when you became a cop? Do you find excuses to flash your buzzer at people? Are all your war stories one's where you kick somebodies ass, hogtie them and haul them off to jail?

If so, nobody outside law enforcement wants to be around you. I'm only just shedding the "cop eyes" that enabled me to be "made" by anybody who knew how to recognize a cop.

Leave the ass-kicking stories and probably cause vehicle search stories at the shop. Tell the stories about the naked lady answering the door and getting the kitten out of the tree for the cute little girl while the firefighters finished their pancake breakfasts:P

The only law enforcement on my DZ that I'm aware of is me, (I don't count-RETIRED), a jail deputy, and a city cop who jumps CRW. Our folks have to leave the property to get high anyhow, but nobody wants to be mad-dogged while their high. They also don't want to see you drive drunk off the DZ cause you've got a get out of jail free card.

I worked with some flaming asshole cops. Guys who would identify everything they could write a citation for, and then "do a favor" and not write one. "You know, you can't have a beer out here on the sidewalk, that's in violation of OMC 21a, you know I could write you a ticket, but I won't heh-heh" "Your brake light is out, you know I could pull you over for that heh-heh"

Skydive, dude! Listen to the Monkey man, this sport is all about skill and smiling. Make sure you don't compensate for any weakness in the air with your power on the ground.

If I had a nickel for ever person who asked "Have you killed anyone?" What other profession has that as the icebreaker question?

I miss two things about that job. Driving cop cars REALLY fast, and being dispatched to investigate wierd shit.

"One Adam 12, see the wierd shit"

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getting the kitten out of the tree for the cute little girl while the firefighters finished their pancake breakfasts

most cops I know just kick there ass cause they know they went into the wrong end of emergency services....:P:P:P:P

you guys are just jealous cause we get to take naps on duty.....:P:P:P:P

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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PIGS WATCHOUT HE IS A PIG!! *stashing his dope an xtc!! :P:P

[disclaimer]This was only directed to 2 people I jump with at Spaceland.. All other Persons of the Law Enforcment Community please ignore.. B| [/disclaimer]

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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we get to take naps on duty.....

Nothin but pancake eatin' weightlifters, all of ya!:P

But, uh, "yeah, more morphine would be good.....you're not just gonna shoot the rest of that out on the ground, are you?"

Skymedic, you ever get to do a Narcan (sp?)injection? The heroin OD stuff? Everytime I saw a paramedic bring a junkie back from death with that stuff they were pissed cause "you wrecked my high, man!" Funny stuff. Weird, but funny.:S

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Now that I know that there are a good number of law enforcement types hanging out here I'm going to go find as many cop jokes as I can to post.
Now I know who not to "sell" to. Just kidding guys (and ladies). I think we've got a pretty diverse crowd here. Makes the range of opinions that much more fun to read.

Respect the Dolphin

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Poor Clay. Your conversion is going to be a tough one.

First: As an officer, your "peace" cannot be disturbed. If you call a regular person a Motherf*cker to their face and they hit you, no crime. "Using words or actions likely to cause an immediate, violent reaction" is "disturbing the peace". You lose that when you're a cop. A nasty person does something like that to you on duty, no crime. Although, you gotta figure their on drugs, to say something so ridiculous, so you investigate them for that.

Second, when a cop is accused of a crime, an "IA" or internal affairs investigation, he is guilty until he proves his innocence. If there's no merit to the accusation, that's how it's closed. Not "not guilty" but "no merit to complaint" "unproven" or "not founded". A Pitchess motion allows flea-ridden defense attorneys (they are all flea ridden, unless they are defending YOU) to bring up the amount of complaints filed against you, regardless of the outcome of the investigation.

You gotta use the whupass sparingly. Explosively and effectively, but sparingly.

Say it with me Clay: "Sir! Please submit!" (WHACK) "Sir! Please submit (WHACK)

Remind me to tell you these stories at Eloy:
Officer I want something to EAT!

Officer my ASS is hanging out!

Officer I OWN you now! (AKA Sir! Please submit! WHACK)

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Your conversion is going to be a tough one.

Trust me...I'm well aware that I DO NOT have the temperment to be a "normal" cop. I just don't have the patience. It's my short coming...I'm aware of it. That's why I'm willing to take this job. Although it's technically "Federal Law Enforcement" it really has very little to do with "enforcing" laws and everything to do with saving lives and shooting scum of the earth. ;)

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I have several friends who are into law enforcement. I have also taught several people in law enforcement the first jump course and taken them through the AFF progression. I only fail them on one jump if they're a cop...;) Just kidding!

One of the things that's cool about skydiving that I have noticed is how some barriers that seperate us during normal life seem to be broken down at the DZ. I see pizza delivery guys, CEO's, cops, firemen, doctors, emt's, waiters, etc. all get together on the weekends for one common goal. Jumping out of a planeB| So NO! I have not seen someone ostricized at the DZ or on DZ.COM because of what they do for a living...

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You gotta use the whupass sparingly. Explosively and effectively, but sparingly.

Very graphic, but apt, expression. :)

First: As an officer, your "peace" cannot be disturbed. If you call a regular person a Motherf*cker to their face and they hit you, no crime. "Using words or actions likely to cause an immediate, violent reaction" is "disturbing the peace". You lose that when you're a cop. A nasty person does something like that to you on duty, no crime.

So how doers this apply to non-cops ? When I was a bouncer, the first thing I was told was if I threw the first punch, I was likely to get sued. Are you saying threatening words alone are enough to justify a physical response ? I walked away on MANY occasions when I was just itching to clock someone. Like you said, I know that on most of those occasions the patron was drunk, but there were also the instances of the sober bad-asses that wanted to prove their manliness to their friends, or their dates, or whomever by walking up to a bouncer and starting some shit. I would have been okay from a legal standpoint by obliging them ?

I've mellowed a lot since my college days......now I just enjoy hassling female editrixes (editrixi ?). :P


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So here is a hypothetical: If Officer Johnny Law gets done jumping, and passes by a couple skydivers using "green tobacco", would/should he just keep walking or should he put the badge back on since he isn't in freefall anymore??? I can't imagine a skydiver/cop arresting a skydiver/engineer...

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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Tough to say.......I adhere to the theory that "what happens at the DZ, stays at the DZ". I would hope the hypothetical cop in question would realize the DZ is its own little world, and go on his way.

On the other hand, I've known and socialized with several non-jumping cops in my life, and I know that when you put on the uniform, it changes your life....you become a cop in all aspects.....you're always on the job 24/7. Which is good in my book.....can you imagine how worse the world would be if cops became blase and thought "It didn't happen on my shift, so to hell with it."

Kind of a Catch-22......can't have your cake and eat it too.


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Yea, I'm not saying that you can be invincible because he is also a skydiver and you can take advantage of that- Like you are both standing around the campfire, he is smoking a Marlboro, and you blow pot smoke in his face and expect him to smile and think its funny. More like he smells it upwind and gets back into the blue mentality, follows the wind and has a couple law things to say, potential arrests/tickets/etc...

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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if I threw the first punch, I was likely to get sued

Well, anybody can sue you for anything.

As a bouncer, you are expected to eat more crow than your patrons. This varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, in LA a kid gets to grab you by the nuts before you slam him, I suspect in other parts of the country it's acceptable to smack a suspect for being insolent.

If a bouncer can articulate that the "first" punch was in fact defensive, he'll be OK. But make the fight clearly unavoidable. You want to be giving a half a dozen, real clear opportunities for the belligerant to back out. You want it to be clear to any jury, anywhere, that this individual would have motivated Mother Theresa to hit him with a frying pan.

"The patron took a boxing stance and brought both hands up to chest level. He stated he was going to "pop you (me) in the jaw", he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and began to bring his fists up to chest level. His left fist was forward, his right fist came back and his weight shifted in a manner that my training and experience made clear he was about to punch me. I took a step back, cocked my baton (Nancy Kerrigan knee-type-baton) and said "Stop". The patron swung his fist at me and I initiated a hair-pull takedown legsweep. The patron continued to struggle and I applied a carotid restraining hold rendering him unconscious.

When the patron regained consciousness I assisted him to the men's room where he changed his shorts and apologized profusely. He signed this release prior to leaving the bar, I filed a report with the police that same night documenting the incident.

Clay! If you have lined up some cop job that doesn't require some escalation of force I can't wait to read your reports:

"I became aware of the suspect and shot him and returned to my beat":P

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being a police officer i kind of get the impression we sort of aren't welcome here. is it just me ?

If I was a police officer I wouldn't give a fuck what anyone else thinks of me..

OOOOOPS.. B| I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks :D:ph34r:


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There will always be some people that will be down on you because of your profession, but lets face it, who gives a rats ass what those people think of you...

Talk about dancing around the question...I think everyone understands what we are talking about here. No one is "down on you because of your profession". Be a good safe jumper and a garbage man, no one cares. Your garbage man isn't going to bust my jump buddies. DUI, pot, whatever.
I attend parties with every type of professional and I know they get drunk/high. The cops don't bother them. Too many hassles, so enforcement is selective.
The guy who started this thread wants to be accepted. That depends on him, doesn't it? It depends on his attitude, doesn't it?

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Yup....I've done quite a few over the last 9 years(narcan/naloxone)....took away quite a few highs....pisses em off good...also freaks out the other junkies who think were god or something because we literaly revive the dead.......;););)

good fun....:D:D

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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