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I've heard from at least one grumpy old timer that even 100 isn't pie worthy.

But I tend to agree with you Dove, it isn't just any ol' 00, it's got to be 1,000. It would lose it's meaning if you got pied two or three times a year, wouldn't it?

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I've noticed at some places that any 00 number warrants a pie. ***

You got it wrong! It's not the 00 that warrants pie, it's the (.) (.) that warrant pie, whipped cream, honey, or any other sweet thing....

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Well, I don't know if I'd refer to them as "gozangas? Knockers? Da'bombs? " My girls are not JUGS but mugs! They are small and perky and enough to fill a champaign glass! But best of all they are FUN! Go ahead.... ask 'em to come out and play!;)

Fall in dove.

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OK - sure, we are!;) Still - you said you heard otherwise and know for a fact. So what did you hear and from who? You may have received bad information!:S

Who did I hear it from? Well I read it in numerous threads in this forum. And you admitted to it, too.

How do I know for a fact? Well, remember I told you I have a VEEEEERY vivid imagination? Well, there you go! I practically saw your boobs the other day.... in the shower ;):$;)

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I never admitted any such thing! Only thing I admit to (no way to deny it...) is that I am VERY sexual and think about sex (and other related things) constantly. But come to think of it, yeah, my girls are WAY pie-worthy! I think I'll give them some now!:)

Fall in dove.

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I never admitted any such thing! Only thing I admit to (no way to deny it...) is that I am VERY sexual and think about sex (and other related things) constantly. But come to think of it, yeah, my girls are WAY pie-worthy! I think I'll give them some now!:)

***.... can't .... go on .... feel dizzy... blood pressure.... high... accute pain... heart failure....

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