
And now the dreaded relationship question.Warning Gets SAPPY

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Ok here's the sap story for all to give advise on:$.I was living with this very beautiful woman and was planning on marrying her.It went as far as she had bought her dress,we had picked invitations,the honymoon was paid for,etc,etc.
Anyway,she is the jealous type.And I had several close friends that were female.And I had a partner at work who was female(I work in EMS).Anyways I would get accused of sleeping around.Even though I told her every move I made.I can understand the suspicsion of the work deal cause it does happen sometimes.But not with me.It was worse with jealousy towards my ex-wife.she said that she was always worried that I would want to try and get back together with her.I tried almost daily to convince her that I had no intentions of getting back together with the ex.BTW I only loved five miles from the ex.So, any way it got to where we were fighting constantly and it got to where I could'nt take it anymore,so,I packed up and moved to Colorado from South Carolina.I moved 1700 miles from the ex-wife.Now,since I've moved out here all I can think about is the woman I left behind.I think about her as much as I do my son who still lives with his mom.It took me moving out here to realize how much I love this woman.And now,I've contacted her after bieng gone for a month.I've written letters sent flowers and called her.I talked to her yersterday and she's nw out of work cause of a seasonal job.So,I wired $500.00 to help her out with her bills.I asked her to move out here with me and to try to start our relationship over and to try and make things the way they were when we first started going out.I have'nt gotten a responce from my offer yet.but I'm calling her again today.I told her that I knew alot of our problem was from the pressures that we had.Ended up having the ex-wife arrested on assault charges.And there was a lot of pressure from her parents.I told here that we would not have those pressures here.And I also promised that I would work on my communication issues and would even quit smoking for her.(that's part of the reason for quitting smoking.the other is it's so expensive it will cut into jump fundage after getting my lic.);).So that's my story.Any suggestions on what I can do to convince her that I still love her and want her here with me?I even offered to give her money that would be put away in case it did'nt work out so she would have a way to go back to SC if that's what she wanted.ANy Ideas??

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So that's my story.Any suggestions on what I can do to convince her that I still love her and want her here with me?

Is this a joke? Why would you want a controlling, posessive freak like that BACK? Oh, right, she's beautiful.

No offense honey, but if you get her back, eventually it'll be EXACTLY LIKE IT WAS. Where will you run to then? Even farther from your son?

Lord help us.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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Happiness comes from within......not from without.
I would hope that you look at her as a compliment to your life and not someone to complete it. The jealousy issues come from her insecurity in your relationship with her. The only way to fix that is through open, direct, honest dialogue and mutual trust. Remember too that problems don't go away until they are faced head on and dealt with...
Best Wishes....
BB removes the BenevolentDoc hat and retires....

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Hhhmm....and just where is the give from her in this scenerio??. I only see you making all kinds of concessions. Has she said anything about I'm sorry, honey for being so possesive and I do love and trust you. I won't be jealous like that again??
It will not work and will never last. You'll end up resentful in the long run because you gave up your true self to try and be what she wants.
It sounds like you're just lonely and homesick. Slow this process with her down some and really think about it. Get out and meet new people and make new friends.

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"It sounds like you're just lonely ... Get out and meet new people and make new friends. "
Agree. After my ex's dog died, she moped around for a week. I said here is $25, go get a new one. Next day, new dog. She washed, walked, cursed, and trained that dog. She didn't forget the old one, but she the emotional void was filled and she got on with her life.
I think you need a new dog too.

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Being the psychomaniac or analist I am.
When you do get her back, dont tell her about every move you make. That will keep her thought of you doing things with other women on the surface of her mind. Plus you arent really doing things with other women ( if we can believe you on your mail), so why tell her about the platonic contacts you have, thats something we all have and is very normal and not woth being mentioned. Unless you want to keep some paranoid thoughts of her alive.
Good luck.

Heh, thats funny .

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