
Dropzone Mail *****SPAM*****

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Heya all,

I thought I'd give a quick update on the spam filtering that I've set up for Dropzone Mail. At this time I've decided to activate SpamAssassin only. I've already installed SpamCop (which is more aggressive) and should the mail server end up being flooded by junk I'll flip the switch on that bad boy.

For now here's a cool way to deal with your spam: SpamAssassin will look at all incoming messages and apply a set of rules, looking for features commonly associated with spam (e.g. false date, no subject line, words that indicate porn, words that indicate credit card offers etc) Each occurrence is assigned a weighted point. The moment the points add up to 5 it will mark the message in the subject line with *****SPAM***** and alter the body to tell you how it came to that conclusion.

So, to filter your spam. Go to the Options" menu, click on "Advanced Filters" and set up a filter to look for *****SPAM***** in the subject of all emails and filter those off to a special Spam/Bulk folder that you can create.

This should take care of about 95% of the spam you receive! This is commonly known as "a good thing". ;)

The advantage of filtering it to another folder is that you can (if you want to) quickly scan over the spam messages to see if there's anything legitimate in there before you delete them.

On the topic of deleting messages. Remember when you delete something it get's moved to your Trash folder and it still counts to your 2MB of free space. You need to empty your Trash to get rid of these messages. To clean out your Trash click on the "Folders" link, select trash and click on "Empty". That should do it! :)
When your mailbox reaches 2 MB or 1000 messages it will start bouncing all incoming mail. There are some people with more than 6 MB of messages that carried over during the migration.... you need to go check your mailbox and clean up your mail to receive new email.

That's all for now folks! I'll keep on working away at this and tell you about some more features later. It's time to swap that silly Yahoo/Hotmail address for something a bit more potent!
Safe swoops

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apply a set of rules, looking for features commonly associated with spam (e.g. false date, no subject line, words that indicate porn, words that indicate credit card offers etc)

If it just filters out Email with "penis" and "enlargement" in the subject line, it should cut my spam in half.:)
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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It's time to swap that silly Yahoo/Hotmail address for something a bit more potent!

All you computer techies are always giving Hotmail such a hard time. What's so wrong with it anyway?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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> It's time to swap that silly Yahoo/Hotmail address for something
>a bit more potent!

I would. I really would, but Yahoo gives me 6MB free space... Size does matter.

And Skymama, someone could call me a computer techie, but I still like my webmail accounts. They're easiest use while on the road(which I tend to be quite a bit.) And don't even get me started about Outlook>:(

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I think its just a cooler address or something like that...


Which would you rather have?

No offence to Skygeek...:)


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Which would you rather have?

Or you can be a mega-geek and get your own domain, e-mail server, anti-spam filters, and such. Then you can have something like:


or something else equally geeky. Of course, I have a backup Yahoo account for when I travel as well in case my server goes down.

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Yes, I agree - Hotmail sucks!

I also get loads and loads of spam, but I'm trying to get rid of it all - I had junk mail filter on exclusive, but this also blocks relevant messages.

I have been clicking on the unsubscribe button on some of those emails; half the time, the site it directs me to doesn't exist. a quarter of the time, the unsubscribe page is in Chinese!

Does anyone, anywhere ever respond to a random piece of junk, and , eg, rearrange their debt


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Does anyone, anywhere ever respond to a random piece of junk, and , eg, rearrange their debt

Sadly, I'm sure they do. If one in a million does, the spam was successful. And more than one person in each million is a total blithering idiot. :S

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All you computer techies are always giving Hotmail such a hard time. What's so wrong with it anyway?

Keep on your thong mama! Not giving Hotmail a hard time at all... I just think skymama@dropzone.com looks much cooler on you! ;)
Safe swoops

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I just think skymama at dropzone dot com looks much cooler on you!

Yes that's true, HH. How about a dropzone.com thong to go along with my e-mail account? :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I just think skymama@dropzone.com looks much cooler on you!

Yes that's true, HH. How about a dropzone.com thong to go along with my e-mail account? :ph34r:

Pics, pics we must get pics of mama in the thong!;):)

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>Why? I thought you just said you use Yahoo because you get more
>space.... just trying to make work for me? Make up your mind lad!

Ummm... 'cause then I could send my "Reply to your post" notifications to my DZcom account, and I wouldn't have to read my Yahoo account at all(unless I wanted to check on my life out side of DZcom).
Who am I kidding I have no life outside of DZcom...
Yeah, that's the reason!

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