
landing off

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I picked up a 1,000+ jump wonder in Farmer McNasty's field last Saturday. I've landed on his farm twice, and I know of no one at the dropzone who HASN'T landed there.

We've also had very experienced people and very inexperienced people wind up behind a convienence store and numerous other interesting places. The underlying theme is that they all selected a clear and open landing area and LANDED! Landing safely is more important than trying to make it back and biffing in a low turn.

Ain't no shame in landing off the DZ, everyone does it.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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You did the right thing.
Where I jump, if you have to land out north of the landing area the alternatives to forrest is marshes. It's probably the safeste place to land. Real soft, bet you could hook yourself in pretty hard and walk away. Of course it's wet, but I prefer wet feet over landing in trees anyday.B|

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Hey.................. I remember someone waiting on the levy for you on the 4 wheeler to give you a ride back to the hanger!
I couldn't get the 4 wheeler out in that field, but I did get as close to you as I could!

You might be a skydiver if... Your having sex and she whispers in your ear "I've never done this before" and you yell out "Case of Beer"

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Hey girl

Thank you for picking me up :)The post was not about me having to walk nor was it directed to you.
Thanks to the good people at my DZ for picking me up, that has never been a problem.(and again ) me having to walk was not the reason I was pissed.

Its all good :):)

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