
R U looking for a relationship or a short fling?

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Well, I was out just looking to have fun for a couple of years and kind of outgrew it I think. It was fun, but I got over it. Now I'm in a loving relationship and wouldn't want it any other way! (He's a skydiving too.)

I'm drowning...so come inside
Welcome to my...dirty mind

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I wasn't loking for anyhting in particular when it kind of snuck up on me and now I'm married to my second. The on;y; thing that might happen now is either she leaves me because I skydive too much- Which would really suck but then again maybe not- I would say that's the only real hazard to my relationship right now-
The point- If it's a fling, leave it as a fling- Long term just kinda creeps up on you--- Did me anyway--

Easy Does It

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ya know, a friend and i were having an interesting discussion about this. i believe one thought was that so long as you're not adding to the numbers then whatever is fair game. i laughed at that.

comes down to who, what, where, when, why, and how for fun. as for permanent i have my interests. will leave things at that. :)

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i love to cuddle!!!

Ok, how lame do you have to troll like that to get the skybabes? ;)

Lame Alert >> I like to huddle, cuddle, wubble and give you itty bitty kisses on your neck. I'll give you lots and lots of massages and I'll kiss your feet *smewch smewch smewch*

Reality >> Bitch, git up and cook me some dinnah!

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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>After the ultimately shitty few months I've had and the different
> problems I've had with guys lately? yeah, I probably would.No
> offense, its just like I said...I give up.

It's when you give up that you meet some really cool people, I've discovered.

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I don't think I know the meaning of a meaningful relationship. ---Not that I have lots of randoms----
I just can't seem to find someone who understands "yeah, so I jump on wednesdays, saturdays, and sundays, and sometimes thursdays I have to work out there too... SO, I have monday, tuesday and friday free. WANNA DATE?"
I am currently trying to make a meaningful relationship with a whuffo, think it will work? :|
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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If everything is right it is right. If your both just horny and want to have some fun....

....then that's o.k. too! ;)

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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(In theatrically dramatic voice) Ha, frail creature! Try not to compare yourself to the mightyest cook among skydivers. Rest of the relationship according to your description is possible aside for foot kissing. But not for you, the Pink Powerepuff awaits, wheeeeeeee....

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Let's see...

My now-ending ten year relationship was an absolute disaster.

I'd feel guilty doing a 1-night stand... I can't use people like that.

So chalk me up in the "neither" column as well. :P

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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