
R U looking for a relationship or a short fling?

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I had a one night stand once and it made me feel really uncomfortable. "Supposedly" there was a mutual understanding but I don't think she was being honest with herself, plus...I was nervous as all hell! I think all of the ingredients have to be just right for a one night stand or fling happen without any damaging consequences......maybe one day:)

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Hands down - long term commited relationship. I am in it for the long run. Just need that special person to enjoy life with. But on the flip side, if that is happening (as is pretty much always is the case - then I may partake in a night or 2 in some safe consenual passion...)

But also on that note - I met me a new chickie recently, she is so awesome... (she wants to skydive too). I have never clicked so well, and had so much in common with someone. But I am still courting her right now. So send me some good voodoo and lets she works out.

Peace/Blueskies Derek

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hhmm...serious or just want to have fun huh? Actually I am not looking, I think that fate takes it's course when we do what is true to our hearts then BOOM there they are. Like magic! Music playing, slow motion the works, and I believe it can feel that fun and that childlike for your entire life. I've seen it first hand so I know it's out there too.
And serious can be fun, until then I'll dance barefoot in the grass, and play in the sprinklers, wish on stars and sing songs at the top of my lungs because that's me....one day they'll be another freak out there just like me...and I'll be swooped off my feet...

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Are people looking for potential permanent partners or just seeking to have some fun:$?

people are subconsciously always looking for the perfect someone (i.e. fits the description of what they deem as perfect for them). unless of course they already found them. on the same token people are always looking for fun. the only time it should turn serious is when they have found that perfect someone and can always have fun with them....:ph34r:
I am the light my son...What you seek is fire

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What happens, happens. Personally, I think that if you go on the hunt for a serious long term partner, you're asking for trouble.
Imagine. Date 1: oooo I want this man to be the father of my many offspring .... ugh ... poor guy will run for the hills!
Just let it happen. If it's meant to be, you'll know. If not, have a little fun then move on.


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(In theatrically dramatic voice) Ha, frail creature! Try not to compare yourself to the mightyest cook among skydivers. Rest of the relationship according to your description is possible aside for foot kissing. But not for you, the Pink Powerepuff awaits, wheeeeeeee....

(In Joe Pesci voice) Did I say I was FREAK'in EMERALD 'ERE? NooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm gonna bitchslap you from here to the Dakotas 'til Kingdom come. You think ya KNOW her, but.. (shaking head) ewe don't KNOW her. AYE KNOW HER!!!! (pointing thumb at self)

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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It's when you give up that you meet some really cool people, I've discovered.
That is exactly correct, Bill.

Hmm, well if thats the case, then i give up. Now where are all these cool peeps i'm supposed to meet?;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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"It's when you give up that you meet some really cool people, I've discovered."
That's true, but no one ever tells you why. That is the secret part. If you constantly search for "the" person, you do it in ineffective ways. You select them totally by looks. You look for them in bars or social sites where the interaction is entirely surface. Nothing real. Doomed to failure.
If you stop looking, you find a way to make yourself happy. You develop your own likes/dislikes, fun, tastes, boundaries. In effect, you develop a real identity and become a real person. You start meeting people with common interests. Looks will always select the people that you initiate conversation with, but have a solid identity will help you weed out some problems.

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This always interested me. Are people looking for potential permanent partners or just seeking to have some fun:$? Me socially disfunctional, me want to know.

Short fling.....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Meeting the wrong guy jumpers? Course could be the location.. Damn near a sausage fest around these parts :S

Course the thing about not finding what you really want when you are trying too hard does seem to apply to glasses, keys, and people. :P

All the really cool people I have met (including some quite attractive women- yow!), it has always been when I have not been looking for a 'mate', but just hanging out where I like to hang out, and talking to and meeting people.

Course I also haven't had a date in awhile, so take it all with a grain of salt. :D
'Damn, I sure wish I would of kept that pretty silver handle' - cutaway ruminations

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See, us dudes need to be held and cuddled. And be told everything is going to be alright. We need to be nurtured and cared for as well.

How often has that line actually worked for you? ;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I had a one night stand once and it made me feel really uncomfortable. "Supposedly" there was a mutual understanding but I don't think she was being honest with herself, plus...I was nervous as all hell! I think all of the ingredients have to be just right for a one night stand or fling happen without any damaging consequences......maybe one day


I'd feel guilty doing a 1-night stand... I can't use people like that.

I don't see why this would be "using" someone. If both people want just a fling, what's the problem? Last month I had a great time with this woman I met in a bar on a Friday night. She lives in San Francisco & was just in town for 10 days visiting family...that sunday I took her to a wine festival, then back to my place....yadda yadda yadda..;) also managed to hook up with her on Wednesday night and the following Sunday. We both had a great time, no regrets!:) If both people are in agreement that it's just a fling, what's the problem?
Speed Racer

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