
R U looking for a relationship or a short fling?

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true...I just got out of a long relationship...I could not say what it is that I am capable of giving at this point, but I do miss having someone to call and tell them about my day, listen to theirs, stay in with chinese fud and a movie, waking up in the middle of the night and seeing them there...in due time but now and then would be nice...
I love dating...I just don't get the chance to!

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on second thought...meet me halfway???
[#eeeeff] oh, but you have the hotel!!! hmm...wouldn't have to change my sheets or make coffee in the morning!!! LOL :) [/#003366]

oh jraf, you're just too far away for anything other than a mere cyber affair.:P

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You brake my heart, but as a true romantic lover I shall adore you in sollitude till my heart shrinks and gives it's last beat. And at the moment of my death, sitting on a cold marble bench, in a garden full of red roses that will remind me of your beauty my dry lips will whisper these last words: Oh Skygal3, Skygal3 where art thou? And then darkness will come upon me and I will depart into eternal peace, having lived a short life of unfullfilled love cause I was too far down the I-95.
(I have to start writing scenarios for B movies;))

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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oh jraf, my heart almost skipped a beat...
weren't you just all over sunshine last night? or was it jessica? oh, I have no sympathy for you!!!;)
[#eeeeff] ah, nothing better than a cold stiff mudslide after a long shitty day at the office... [/#003366]

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There was a great German musical movie in the 1930's where the main tune went "Ob Blond, ob Braun ich liebe alle Fraun', mein Hertz ist gross" which means: wheather your hair is blond or brown, I love all women, I have a big heart."
Now how can you not appreciate that. I will just go and hide in my bedroom and cry under my blanket till the little people come and tuck me in;)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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meet me halfway???

I can't tonight. Although I offer pampering at a fine hotel if you make the effort and call off tomorrow. Who knows, maybe even free skydives tomorrow afternoon. I like to have sex and then get high. Altitude that is!;)

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Never expect anything - you're looking to be dissapointed, just let it flow, and soon, you'll realize that people are around you for a reason, for a season, or for a lifetime. Just take enough time to find out which one. And enjoy each one for what they are in your life.

I personally tend to misjudge them and place them into the wrong category. :S


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Clay, you sure are right. If you treat women well they think you are weak and try to use you. If you treat them like scum they call you a scum but adore you. So OK females, no more Mr. Nice guy. Here comes nordic ice - lick me;), and know your limitations!

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Well you just come here right now, you hear. Take a cab from the airport. And dont forget to buy me that 1945 Petrus on your way. Pack of Cuban Cohiba's too. And if your good, you might get some....;)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Jahwohl! Vee have our vays to make you spik! You shael vere zees Knickers vith little Hackenkreuzes on zee bottom and zee bra with zee little Hackenkreuzes on zee boobbies. Ant you vill be marching up and down zee bedrom to zee sound of an Umpa Band!

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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