
Who would you do?

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okay, mine said "Hooters at 8 and don't be late"

They said I'm only into skin deep beauty basically, but hey, were talking about movie stars here, yes, I expect them to be beautiful. But my standards for looks for a movie star are not the same as my standards for a "mate."


added: Just did it again (different guys came up on the second go round) and this time I came back as Jack Kerouac, and not into looks but "souls", whatever.:S

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Im the jack guy too.. although I did make onbe mistake on the choice forget the girls name, but I would have picked the biotch from will and grace but I picked the other..
ahh well
this space for rent.

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Interesting, I was the opposite. (We all know that online polls are terribly accurate ;)) I was a yo, Adrian with the guys and a Ozzie and Hariet with the girls. Hmmmm, traditional girl on girl..there's something to think about....


I'm drowning...so come inside
Welcome to my...dirty mind

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I'm a "Jack Kerouac" guy. Whatever.

Yeah...said the same for me. They said that I'm not a jerk and that I know it's the soul that matters most! I don't believe, though. All that really matters to me is a guy's beer-drinking capabilities. Souls can be bought and sold.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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