
Why can't women decide?

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I'm getting sick of women who tell me that I'm too nice. Then if I act a little selfish sometime they say I'm being an a$$hole. WTF!
Mabey some of the ladies out there can tell me how a guy can be too nice.

Another note: If your are a female friend of a guy who you are not sleeping with, don't cock block when you see him at a club, bar ect.

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I'm just taking it from personnal experience. If there are women out there who can apprectiate nice guys who treat them with a little respect and still like to have fun, then this is not met for you. I guess a lot of it could be the age group of these women.

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Mabey some of the ladies out there can tell me how a guy can be too nice.

A spineless guy that acts like a doormat is too nice. But, generally, "too nice" is just an excuse for "not interested."
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Sweeping Generalization? I've never met Steve and I live 100's of miles from him. I've also lived in several states. I've gotten those statements or at least picked up onthe sentiment - too nice (whatever that means) or a jerk. However, most of these women have ended up in not so good relationships. The guy they end up with just turns out to be a bonehead.

Respect the Dolphin

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I'm definetly not a doormat. I do my thing when I want. I'm usually an a$$hole here at work, (I'm in the Army at a basic training post, where your expected to be an asshole 24/7) but when I'm with my friends I really don't want to be an a$$hole.
I want to chill, drink a lot of beers and have fun.

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I'm just taking it from personnal experience. If there are women out there who can apprectiate nice guys who treat them with a little respect and still like to have fun, then this is not met for you. I guess a lot of it could be the age group of these women.

That's a bunch of crap. I would never date a guy unless he was nice and respectful. Of course after i marry HH i won't be dating anyone anymore.;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I keep hearing from guys that "if she's female, he can be interested." Proximity and gender (sometimes helped along by alcohol) Then I hear from others it's not the case.
It's more common from women that "if he's male, she still has to become interested." In other words, proximity and gender (even if helped by alcohol) just aren't enough to get interested.
But both are generalizations. After all, some guys just need to be close to sheep...
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When will I learn how to quote properly??? This is what I meant to post....
I completely agree. If a guy is an a$$hole....there are plenty of reasons to give for why I am not interested. But with the "nice guys", there is nothing bad about the guy that makes me not interested...it is just that the chemistry isn't there. I have this problem all the time. But then again....I tend to go for the bad boys...who turn out to be a$$holes! Will I ever learn??? [unsure]

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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But with the "nice guys", there is nothing bad about the guy that makes me not interested...it is just that the chemistry isn't there. I have this problem all the time

See...there you go. There is a HUGE difference between what women want.....and women need. Give them what they need and they will be wrapped around your finger. Give them what they want and you'll end up with a knife in your back and foot prints on your forehead. ;)

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"Because women have NO idea what they really want.... When you figure yourself out....you'll figure this out too."
Oh...I have figured myself out...I am a perfect mix of "good girl" and "bad girl"!! ;)
I agree that women are complicated...but that doesn't mean that we don't know what we want. I know I want someone who compliments me completely...someone who will be my best friend and partner in crime...someone who makes my heart skip a beat everytime I see them or talk to them on the phone...someone who is as crazy as I am. We may seem like we don't know what we want...but as they say...you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. So...until then...I will keep hopping from lily pad to lily pad.

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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Why, oh why, can't I find a guy that is a good mix of both "nice guy" and "bad boy"? And so, the seach continues....

Bad boys are only fun at the bars when you end up being the bigger jerk of the two.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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