
goofy pets!

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My ex-girlfriend had 2 racoons for pets, which isn't all that weird except for the fact that one of them had sever brain damage. Yes a mentally handicapped racoon, so they named it happy. I really can't describe it but it was hilarious to see it.

I had a dog that, not once but twice ran smack into the side of moving cars at a dead sprint. It knocked about 6 of her teeth out. You would hope she would have learned after the first time.

^Go Big or Go Home^

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My cats like to sleep in the bathroom sinks. One of them will only drink water from a running tap. And the smallest one lately does this thing where he rolls into the wall in a corner and stands on his head with all his legs in the air. The big one eats doritos, any other chips, rice cakes, tofu, ramen, and raisins. He's also been known to swipe little bags of herbage because he likes the smell. Animals are wierd.

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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My cat loves pickles....comes tearing through the house when he hears the jar. He also loves peas....I roll them across the floor because he loves to chase them...pounce on them and then eat them. Crazy redneck cat!!

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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One of them will only drink water from a running tap.

i've got one of those! he's the same one that sleeps flat on his back. also, one of my ferrets won't drink out of the dog's dish, she'll either dip a paw in and and drag it up the side if the dish and then lick it off the side, or brace herself against the wall and push the dish to slop water all over the floor, then lick it up.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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I have an African Grey Parrot that sings" The Bird, Bird, Bird, The Bird is the word", " Nixxx bein' a bad bird" and "Birds are for the Beans, Beans are for the Bird" ( I feed him beans) ". He also wolf whistles and says "Ooh baby, wanna spankin?" He also calls my cat and my son and tells them he loves them.

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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i got a muddy brownish 36 color swirly fuzzball cat about a year old i raised from birth....rides my shoulder around the house like a pirate parrot and loves riding on a spinning office chair....she'll ride it for as long as im willing to spin it.....when i stop her head bobs around for awhile, (dizzy) then she jumps off, jumps back on and looks at me with this look like "well what are you waiting for?"
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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I had a pretty amazing Jack Russel terrier growing up. He was definately not "Just a dog." This dog absolutely loved to ride on anything with wheels. Cars, trucks, tractors, lawnmowers, motorcycles, airplanes. If it had an engine he loved it. Well, one day I had to take another dog to the vet. I opened the car door and of course this one jumps in. I tried to explain that I was going to the vet and he couldn't go. Somewhat like a woman he got all jealous. He wouldn't come near me for the next 3 days. At first I couldn't figure out what exactly was wrong with him. When I called him he just turned his back to me. If I tried to feed him he wouldn't eat. (This dog loved eating more than anything) Finally I figured it out. I caught him and made him sit in my lap while I apologized profusely. He forgave me.......eventually.....:D

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