
I need some name suggestions....

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How about "Dammit" and "Aww Shit" ? Beause if you're gonna let the little boogers outta their cage very often then those are probably the phrases you'll be saying most when they get into your stuff or when you're trying to catch them to put 'em back up.:ph34r:

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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orgazmo and choada boy (I guess girl)
cream puff
vengance and stilletto
chaos and monarch
any canopy name or company icarus and atair (they could be rivals)
first and beer
boc and pud
far and faa
cooper and cash
give them call numbers 20 echo alpha and 2 8 gulf
-ahh well nuf time wasted at work on furrballs:)
this space for rent.

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Let's see . . .hmmm . . . female gerbils . . .

Pip and Pop
(These are the twin otters on the show "Bear in the Big Blue House".)

Castor and Pollux
(The Gemini Twins)

Diana and Luna
(Two different goddesses of the Moon)

Romulus and Remus
(Founders of Rome)

Karma and Sutra
(Uh, well, does I really haft 'plain it?)

Eros and Enyo
(God of Love - Goddess of War)

Leda and Leto
(Two different wives of Zeus. Leda was the mother of Castor and Pollux.)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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