
Which breast size is best?

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Don't all women have boobs...or did you have the pleasure of meeting a person that just made the switch to being a women cause sometimes they don't have boobs yet

I did not mean no boobs at all. I just meant that they could be very small and i would still like them. B| Mmmmphh...mmmphhm....mmmmppphhh... Lemme just chew on my foot here for a while:P

but i think he was replying...would you still like them if they had a penis OOPS:$! hahahah!
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Hey - speaking of boobies.... after all the booby flashing that went on this weekend, I was thinking how much fun it would be to get my boobies all lathered up and slippery and slip slide them up against someone else's boobies. Who's game?B|;):$:):oB|

Fall in dove.

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Hey - speaking of boobies.... after all the booby flashing that went on this weekend, I was thinking how much fun it would be to get my boobies all lathered up and slippery and slip slide them up against someone else's boobies. Who's game?B|;):$:):oB|

not nice, not at all...

but i still want to watch;)
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Hey - speaking of boobies.... after all the booby flashing that went on this weekend, I was thinking how much fun it would be to get my boobies all lathered up and slippery and slip slide them up against someone else's boobies. Who's game?B|;):$:):oB|



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