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theres a thunderstrom brewing....
wierd for a skydiver to say huh? but I am in the mid of drought city!
Vegas- the sunsets are beautiful and the air is so dry Ive had nose bleeds....
Rain is cool sometimes!
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Yeah, they're few n far between here, but sitting alongside the delta and watching the storm roll thru is remarkable when it does happen
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Dave, I remember those...the ones that would wiat until you engine is apart in your driveway and then *BOOM!!! 47inches of rain falls, carrying them all away and your stuck looking for your younger nieghbor in the flood...

(disclaimer: no I dont)
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Thunderstorms.....We have plenty here in Georgia. I remember the ex-wife saying "Wow, it is really raining hard outside!!" when I lived in Washington State. That would be considered a light drizzle here. If the drops aren't bigger than your hand it's not REALLY raining. ;)

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is it raining everywhere? We are expecting a storm here too. I just wish it would get here already. TOmorrow is a precious jump day. Not too many of those left for the season here in MI. :(
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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HUm...funny but you don't look like the Fred Flintstone type to me but ok if you say so.

I have really enjoyed the rain lately except for the fact that my pool is totally green, and the more chemicals I put in it the worse it seems to get.[:/]

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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