
Which no-jumping agony is worse?

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1) It's a beautiful day, 80ish degrees, clear skies, 5 mph winds, and you can't jump because you have to work, or you're injured, or whatever.

2) It's a horrible day, cloudy, or rainy, or windy as hell, and you're at the dz, rig in hand, raring to go.

I tend to think the first is more painful, but perhaps that's just because it's the situation I'm in right now.
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Today, #2. Spent three hours standing around at the dz hoping the clouds would go away before I finally gave up and came home. >:(

All of 2001 (excepting the one jump I wasn't supposed to make), it was #1. Being injured sucks.

Either way. It sucks to not be jumping when you want to.

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At least if its bad weather there are others to share your misery.

It's bad karma, I know, but I was hoping for rain this weekend since I can't jump! Misery loves company, and all that. Instead, it's a beautiful day, and I keep hearing the jump plane going over.:(

I'll choose option #1 as the worst, because at least with #2 I'm at the dz, hanging out, having fun.

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Absofuckingly beautiful day, I really couldn't jump b/c I'm injured, but I had this new Wings and stuff, never been jumped, just put together, so I jumped it anyways. Well, even though the landing was very VERY soft, it hurt like a bitch, but atleast I got one jump in. :)
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Number 1 was me today>:( ...the weather this morning wasn't looking all the good so then i come outside around lunchtime and its a beutyful day! I was very very annoyed especially since i was all packed to go to the dz yesterday and it was raining:S
I think ones worse cos being at the dz in bad weather can still be fun..not as fun but still fun :P

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I don't give work my cell phone number for that one reason alone. I just switched jobs and was very glad to find out that I had to give them all that info again. Good thing I can take to the skies in peace on the weekends again.

I would have to say though that the worst would be not being able to jump because of bad weather.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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I'd have to say #1 B| is much worse. There's nothing worse than watching all your friends embrace the sky while your stuck on the ground doing physical therapy on a picnic table.:(
At least with #2 your friends are stuck w/you on the ground and you know you can jump as soon as it blows over.:)

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How about #4 that happened to me last May:

You are in the plane, half way out the door and your shoulder dislocates.

Grab door, climb back in, sit down, ride plane down, reset shoulder. Then manifest won't let you load back up again for the rest of the day. B|

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I can't wait for winter to come so I can have an 80 degree day! :P

For me, #2 is worse because I only get to jump every other weekend because of child care custody. So, if the weather sucks on my jumping weekend, then I know I have to wait 2 more weeks before I can try again. And, on blue sky days when I'm not jumping, I at least am doing something with my kids, so that's good too.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
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