
Static Line

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There is ALOT of discussions on Static Line vs. AFF right here on the forum. I have found it very informative, check here using the search.



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my 2 cents
Static Line: 3,500', line twists, canopy control.
AFF: 13,500', FREEFALL, bodyposition, did I mention FREEFALL?
BTW: I started with static line, then switched to IAD (almost the same) - didn't start getting freefall time until 5 second delays on 9th jump. If you can afford it do AFF or AFP
Anyone agree?


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My first eight jumps were static line progression - five on the dope rope, a hop and pop and two ten second delays. Then I did a modified AFF program for the rest of my student jumps. I'm glad I did I did it that way; by the time I got to go from the top I'd already flown and landed a canopy eight times, and had pulled my own ripcord three times.

I made my son do an AFF level one for his first jump. Although he did fine I think the stress level was a lot higher for him than it was for me.

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i did pretty much the same as lisa, 8 iad's, the last 3 were practice pulls, then signed up for pff last spring. less stress on the pff jumps because i had already flown and landed the canopy. the big trick was remembering to open it myself!
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Just make sure if you do staic line they don't mix the ropes up. It would be horrible to get the 60 second rope on your first jump. YIKES! haha....

It's even worse when the instructor also manages a bungy jumping outfit and gets the cords mixed up.

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How long would a 60 second line be?:o

about 11,000 ft :D

i personally did s/l i didn't find any problems with it the program...although i can't really compare it to anything can i :P
s/l is cheaper..and much cheaper to screw up a jump or 5 just like i did :D
If you think you'll only do one jump then s/l isn't really the best option because it wouldn't be as fun of a one time experience

Just my opinion :)

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Can anyone point me to a site with details and a comparison between static line and AFF courses, please?

Dunno if this is meaningless or not, but recently I was trying to find some stats on student fatalities (to answer the second most common question I get). Do some searches on http://www.skydivingfatalities.com for people with very low jump numbers. There may be other factors at play, but the number of static line deaths is higher than AFF (or tandem). I have no idea what percentage of students learn by static line nowadays, but I'm thinking its gotta be pretty low. I've never done a static line jump, never seen a static line jump being done (other than paratroopers at airshows), and know very little about it. I started off with AFF1 and I have no regrets. Static line just scares me.


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I think AFF and SL are about the same as far as safety goes. You can't go by the fatality records because you can't tell how many students are SL vs AFF, and a student will be in SL for double the jumps a student would be in AFF(15-20 jumps til grad compared to 7-10).

The DZs I started at used SL and they were very small(one even had a grass runway). I think I've seen more first course jumpers at them than I've seen at Skydive America or Skydive Miami.

Class sizes of 4 to 5 students were average and once I saw 3 instructors handle 21 new students.

I've done both SL and AFF, both have their pluses and minuses. The debate on whether SL or AFF better is pointless, neither system will make you a better skydiver than the other.

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