
Job Poll

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In light of the number of people cutting away from jobs, I thought I'd put up a job poll. There are other threads with people describing their jobs, so we don't need to rehash that.

Your Job

a) Like it
b) Love it
c) Hate it

Simple enough.

I actually love my job.

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(D) couldn't care less but in it for jump tickets

This was me until about a week ago. Now I hate it because I got moved to a new group where they actually expect me to do WORK, so I can't spend 6 hours a day on dropzone.com like I used to.>:(

You come from nothing. You go back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!

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B) Love it....I just absolutely HATE driving to it. I used to have all these fancy notions back in high school about having a great job downtown. But, I was 16 and still thought driving was cool.
I have a cool boss...it's easy work...Allstate ROCKS as a company to work for....the pay is decent....they let me study as much as I need to (but I don't like studying...so it hasn't been much)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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A) [sorta]. The money's good and the company leaves me alone to do my own thing. I only hear from my boss when it's time for a new assignment.

It's lots of time on the road by myself. That's not such a bad thing since I'm not really a people person- if you wonder why just take your new stick-shift down to the local mall and stall it at a 4-way stop (twice). Bunch of aholes. I see the horn blows, how about the driver?

BUT- I do get to hit lots of different DZs and meet hundreds of great people.

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