
What Should I Do?

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You should leave. I think everything happens for a reason & this is your sign that it's time to move on. Never settle for a job (or anything else) that doesn't make you happy. I know this probably sounds sappy & you might think I'm a wierdo, but I truly believe if you follow your heart & try to find your purpose in life, what makes you happy will find you and the money will be there when you need it. That's the way it's happened for me so far. Good luck whatever you choose.

Just come to Jersey!:)
"What I want is what I've not got ,but what I need is all around me"-DMB

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you're just as much of a sappy weirdo as I am!!! (and we are fighting over this guy...arrghh!!!) everyone I see around here is tied down, either by their job, their wives or kids...or a combo...they say "kate, you have it all, you can go and do anything you want.,." but it is true...live while you can...

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I have a friend who has a house in Orlando and he does not live there. Maybe he would let me crash there again while I look for a job. Might have to look into it.;) Pete, I may see you again in Florida soon. I will have to make it to Pahokee and do the Pahokee Pookie with you!:ph34r:

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Nathan, if you are in a position to make a change for the better ion your lfe, then what are you waiting for?

If you don't like the environment you are in, and have the means to change it, then do it.

If you don't like the job you're in, and have the ability to change that, then do it.

If you want to jump all year 'round, that ain't gonna happen in Boston.

Sit down, figure out what you want to do, and then find a way to do it. You didn't put up this post because you really like what you do and where you live...you put up this post to get some encouragement in making a change.

Rawk on, my friend, you have that support. It's up to you to make the change, but rest assured, there are people on the sidelines cheering for you.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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no, I am not a dz rat...I have a full time salaried job that takes advantage of the fact that I am salary and that is why today on my day off I am sitting here at my desk...(frustrations beginning to seep)...that is how I pay for jumps:)

disgruntled katie

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OK then what should I do?

1)Write this boring report at work, or...

2)Spend all day at dropzone.com typing in posts about boobies?

(I think, as skymama has pointed out, that if I have to ask, I already know the answer.)
Speed Racer

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Never settle for a job (or anything else) that doesn't make you happy. :)

Nothing can make you happy all the time. I even have frustrating days at the DZ. We all go through rough patches from time to time.

But if you're "I gotta go get me a psychiatrist and a bottle of Zoloft" miserable, bail out! Way too many people are taking antidepressants because they are living depressing lives.

If you're looking at being dragged over broken glass by signing a one year agreement, don't do it. If your boss is just being a dick because he's under some pressure, maybe not.

But I live in Sunny Norcal with Cornholio, TOM, Sebazz, and the Lumster. I jump every weekend of the year. Your Florida gig looks good:|Hmmm......

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But if you're "I gotta go get me a psychiatrist and a bottle of Zoloft" miserable, bail out! Way too many people are taking antidepressants because they are living depressing lives.

Nope. Jumping is my psychiatrist and beer is my Zolof. It's the inexpensive medicine! California sounds nice and so does Florida. Of course, living with TG in the spare bedroom sounds fun too.:P

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