
It's the girls fault.

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OK so there's this show on a couple nights ago, Dr. Phil, and couples are hashing out their malfunctions on national TV. (credit for wrong book edited)

The husband is whining that he only has sex once a month or less, and the wife says he's really considerate, good in bed, whatever, but that she's just tired and not in the mood.

Dr. Phil drops this bomb. According to somebody's research, 40% of women have little or no sex drive.


That explains the popular acceptance a couple years ago that "all men cheat". Ladies, if the bed is cold, don't you just expect him to go find one that is warm?

This may explain all the guys looking for arguments on the internet...


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"Dr. Phil...This is the guy who wrote the Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus books"
Nope. John Gray wrote the MMWV crap. Dr. Phil isn't really all that bad. He doesn't take a side. One set of rules of both sexes. He will call anybody on the carpet. He has a good book out. Real stuff, not smarmy crap.
John Gray apologizes for being male. He was married to Barbara DiAngelis (the Love Doctor show). He was one of her 5 husbands. Both of them are like televangelists except without that smidgeon of decency.

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Dr. Phil drops this bomb. According to somebody's research, 40% of women have little or no sex drive.

Whew!!!! I must be due then, I was beginning to think it was me ;)
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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So glad I'm not in the 40%;), not any more.
But yeah I do believe that number. Most women don't have any sex drive because they are too freakin tired from doing everything around the house with very little or no help. And they have to live with very little or no affection. Being turned on and ready to go starts with little every displays of affection. Not many men understand that.
Umm...ok...I'll stop now. I could get ranting on this one:S.
It just simply is not all the women's fault...nope, no way, no how:)Sassy

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"are too freakin tired from doing everything "
It's that way for both sexes. Mental energy. It is hard to show interest in anything or anyone. People let their responsibilities drag them down.
My personal solution. Make time. Draw a boundary to other intrusions. Instead of marriage/relationship counseling, sit down with your old photo albums and figure out what you used to do for fun. Then plan to do those things again. If you don't make the effort, you deserve what you get.

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John Gray apologizes for being male. He was married to Barbara DiAngelis (the Love Doctor show). He was one of her 5 husbands.

Side note to this, John Gray wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus after his divorce from Barbary DiAngelis. I think one of her books was about how to have a successful marriage...

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It is not always our fault.....I used to come home to a drunk boyfriend most every day - and after working a 16-hour day - the last thing I wanted to do was have sex......not to mention the housekeeper would have shown up that week and you wouldn't even be able to tell........I am done ranting - who is next.......

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Being turned on and ready to go starts with little every displays of affection. Not many men understand that.

Is it that they don't understand or that they just don't care?! ;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Sass, you will hate me for this one, but I heard it from my ex. The only problem was that we had both a nanny and a maid! Of course I suppose the other dude never heard it;), so now hee's stuck with her (hahaha)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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It's sorta like a car... when it's cold, you should start it up and let it idle for a little to warm it up BEFORE jumping on the freeway and driving like a bat outta hell.

Course in my case, the car battery was usually dead and she'd call the mechanic to come jump start it
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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You want to turn you woman on? I'll tell you what to do. Wash the dishes, do the laundry, vacuum the floor, empty the little trash can in the bathroom...do something, anything, and here's the clincher.....DO IT WITHOUT BEING ASKED! That goes for helping in taking care of the kids too.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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"You want to turn you woman on? I'll tell you what to do. Wash the dishes, do the laundry, vacuum the floor, empty the little trash can in the bathroom...do something, anything, and here's the clincher.....DO IT WITHOUT BEING ASKED! That goes for helping in taking care of the kids too. "
Welllll, I may not want to that bad. ;) I stick to the traditional "buy them beers til I'm good looking" method. :ph34r:

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yes! i second this!...where's the percentage of women who want sex more than their man does???

Yeah! Where's Mrs. Roper and Peg Bundy in the REAL world.

Skymama's right though. I could NEVER figure out why my wife gets all huggy when I'm cooking dinner. Ended up with lots of bad meals at the expense of good relations.:$

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For some women, there is also a biological element as well. Testosterone, even in women, is partially responsible for the sex drive as well. Women who have abnormally low testosterone levels often complain of having no libido.
Speed Racer

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