
Nationals Results / Omniskore

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ramon wrote:
"All they really seem to care about is Formation skydiving."

I wish someone had told us that before we spent all that time providing the coverage we *did* provide! Sure would have saved us a whole lotta work.

Well now we know better. Next year, we'll just let some other sucker do all that work for nothin'.


Thanks, Ted and Tim, for all the hard work and good vibes. It wasn't for nothing; just ignore the whiners.

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Welcome to the forum, T1!! Thanks to quade also, as I'm sure he extended the invitation.B|

I, for one, was relieved and very happy to see Omniskore at SDC for Nats. Thanks guys for providing a wonderful service! You ROCK!!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I don't know you guys personally but I know you ROCK! Thank you so much for all you do - that is a TON of work I'm sure! Not only results, but pics of the teams! So incredibly cool! Love the tidbits section too. Bravo on a job well done!


Fall in dove.

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Wow. Don't take offense.

Several of us complain and it gets back to you, you register and respond with venom.:D

Not that I am not grateful for the coverage you did provide. Last year It was fine. and I certainly did see several explanations in this thread for why you did not finish. And they are quite acceptible, seeing as how SDC completely turned off of nationals and people are having a hard time over there knowing what happened.

But, a couple of us got together voiced our opinions here, got chastised for it by wreckdot kallend and had a fine explanation posted by Quade.

The actual reality is everyone that is curious about nationals free events that did not follow this thread is talking about it behind your backs (assuming they do not have access to all the facts presented in this forum).

We posted here, it got back to you and now you know. You don't actually owe us anything and we are technically not even your customers since you don't get a single thing from doing this, however it is like giving a dog a snack every day at 5:00 they come to expect it :D

just like when gear manufacturers come here to put out fires about their product:D:D:D:D we may as well be BSing at the DZ but here it is public... BFD
"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.

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actually i was one of the guys beating the refresh button at work during the nationals so i really appreciate all the results, anecdotes and pictures you guys posted..

i totally understand your reasons for returning when you did, but as a FF it would have been wonderful to get the same level/depth of coverage that we got for the RW events.

once again thanks for all the work you did do.
if work schedule permits i'll be at nationals next year and would be happy to volunteer some time to help!
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We do appreciate all the work you guys do to keep us informed. I've worked a big way event and know how difficult it can be to get timely info much less get it posted rapidly. Any idea when the rest of the Champions pics will be posted? Want to see Trent, Jed and Stevie.

Blue skies,


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The T1 unit weighs in!
First, we are very appreciative of all the great feedback and we know that the vast majority of viewers out there are grateful for the services that we provide. Thank you!
Second, we will always do our best to cover all the events that we can, as much as we can. The idea that the non-FS events were slighted is wrong and hurtful. Yes, we didn't get all the results posted in a timely matter. But it had NOTHING to do with not wanting to support all of the events.
- Tim "T2" Wagner

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ALL the results are up and posted on the OmniSkore web site!

Thanks Ted! Thanks Tim! Thanks Amy! Thanks Ryan! Oh, I almost forgot because he blends so much into the background "just" being a judge ;) and Chris too! (Was Mom and Dad there this year? I missed them!)

Without all of the entire Wagner Family efforts and patience, Nationals would NOT be the same. For me, they are the one consistant thing I've grown to rely on and appreciate in that annual event.

Thank you.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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THANKS T1 and T2!!!!!! Its a lot of thankless work but I love the results! Keep up the good work and let the DZ.com community know if you need any help, we seem to be stuffed to the gills with geeks here.
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THANKS T1 and T2!!!!!! Its a lot of thankless work but I love the results! Keep up the good work and let the DZ.com community know if you need any help, we seem to be stuffed to the gills with geeks here.

Hey Tim and Ted, thanks for using my pictures too. Nothing like boosting a pilot's overinflated ego. B|


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Here are pictures from the Skysurfing awards ceremony. Aside from the competitors, a few Freesyle and Freeflying competitors, and the CReW team I shot video for, there was no one there (asside from Roger and the judges).

I think some changes will happen before the next nationals.

Mark Klingelhoefer

Skysurf Intermediate.jpg

Skysurf Open.jpg

Skysurf Open 2.jpg

Skysurf Open 3.jpg

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The stated purpose of the Nationals is to select representatives for the International meets.

As long as the FAI has International Skysurfing Competitions, I think that the USPA should also have it at the Nationals -- no matter how lightly it is attended.

The amazing thing to me is that we -do- have some of the best skysurfers in the world -- just not a lot of competition.

Further, if you really wanted to change the situation, try adding skysurf to the local meets to drum up interest! Don't kill it!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't think that would work for a number of logistical reasons but mostly the amount of time everyone that wanted to compete in ALL the FS events would have to stick around. I think it would be an issue with judge availability as well since not all judges can judge everything.

Interesting concept, but they'd need to put a heck of a lot of thought into how they woudl do it -- something hosts and meet directors are usually not known for. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Funny you guys should mention scheduling...
During this past Nationals in Chicago, there was an Artistic Events "discussion" held that raised that very issue of when to schedule skysurfing, freeflying and freestyle.
Most agreed (events director Tony Thacker, all the AE judges, and all the AE competitors in attendance) that the best time to hold all AE events would be at the beginning of the nationals competition. That way, (1) there is a buildup to the main event (RW), (2) the relatively low participation AE events would not hold excessive staff and other resources over once RW had completed, (3) AE competitors could benefit from the same high volume attendance at their awards ceremony that RW experiences, and (4) AE would receive greater exposure as opposed to holding the events until after 99% of everyone else had already left.

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