
Answers for Men

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Fattest Cities Fittest Cities
1. Houston, TX 1. San Diego, CA
2. Detroit, MI 2. (tie) San Francisco, CA
11. Fort Worth, TX 11. San Jose, CA
12. New York NY 12. Oakland, CA
14. Memphis, TN 14. Sacramento, CA
16. Dallas, TX 16. Fresno, CA
18. Atlanta, GA 18. Long Beach, CA
20. Pittsburgh, PA 20. Los Angeles, CA

California friggen rocks, but at the same time not because its easy to find so many fake ass people here. But that could go for anywhere for all i know.

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Some times even the hot guys hitting on me is a curse...most of them turn out to be assholes. I am so used to the rude comments about my chest that I just tune it out.

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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"But don't get me wrong...I definitely use them to my advantage!! You guys are so easy!! " Some people think that the larger a womans' breasts are, the stupider it makes them. It's kind of the reverse, the larger they are, the stupider the men act. ;)

Up to a point.

Remember those 60's stag flicks? Ever watched one? Check out anything featuring "Chesty Morgan." Okay, so she was a widow from Poland... but YUCK! [:/]

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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ya gotta "rearrange" 'em some! HA! Right, Moody?

Exactly! Hell I gotta "rearrange" em just to get my rig on comfortably. But it never really helps b/c no matter where the chest strap is when I get in the plane, when I'm under canopy its always either A) above my boobies and dang near choking me(remember I'm still on student gear) B) the strap has my boobies squished up under my chin,trying to rip em off and until the are about to choke me and pass out or C) on rare occassions it stays in a good spot somewhere between A and B. So yeah, I think boobies suck sometimes.:P:P

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Fattest Cities Fittest Cities
1. Houston, TX 1. San Diego, CA

(Fade in - Houston Diner)
Waitress: Ha Earl, what'll it be hon?
Earl: Gimme the Chickin Fry'ed Steak with extra gravy, and some u thim cheese fries. Tell ya whut, make it a double Chickin Fry'ed, I been sweatin so much I needs ta keep maself healthy. And bring a couple Bud's with that will ya? Thanks darlin.
(Fade In - San Diago Diner)
Waiter: May I help you, sir?
Sir: Sprout sandwich, water.
'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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I think you're going to have to post a naked pic so that WE can be the judge of that. If you aren't comfortable with posting in public I am available for "private" viewing.


I'll second that...

Tough $#*T!! The closest you'll get is the PJ pics that are floating around on here somewhere.:P:P
Sorry guys, I dont value y'alls opinion that much!:P:P

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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