
The long wait! What are you waiting for?

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There is nothing wrong with the Clipper I'm riding today.
However I now have ordered this little baby.B| Just have to have pation now until it arrives. Just to bad it's going to be winter before I get my hands on it...
It's good to have something to look forward to.
What do you wait for? What do you look forward to? Tell and lets wait together!:D


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I'm waiting for approximately 14 minutes, then I'm outta the office for 3 days....Cutie and mini-me are waiting with beer.
have a good one folks

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I am waiting for my un-level patio to be fixed so that the hot tub that has been sitting in my yard for 6 weeks can finally be used. How frustrating is that??

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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I wait everyday for the next DVD in the Sopranos series to arrive. I never saw the show before a couple weeks ago. Signed up for Netflix and have all 12 DVDs from seasons 1-3 in my rental queue. I just finished off season 1 last night. Should be getting the first disc for season 2 in the mail today.

That show rocks!!

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I look forward to walking on a deserted, tropical beach with a woman that I love. Her hair trembling in the cool sea breeze at a time when the sun is just setting in the clear, unspoilt evening sky......

........before getting jiggy with her on the sand.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Me? I'm looking forward to next weekend and a CASA boogie. First jump at the home DZ in like six months.


........before getting jiggy with her on the sand.

on the beach: good
in the sand: BAAAAAAAADDDD :::shivers:::
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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At the moment, I'm waiting for 5 pm so I can go home and rescue three Heinekens from their imprisonment in my refrigerator.

I'm also waiting for next month (October 14-19 to be exact), when I'll put on my shiny new pink jumpsuit and join 140 or so other female skydivers in the air over Perris as we set the new women's freefall formation world record.

I'm also waiting for the day (time frame as yet unestablished) when the fruit of my loins (alternately known as my "demon spawn") backs the UHaul up to the back door and starts loading his stuff into it.;)

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What kind of work are you looking for?

Waiting on a job with "Uncle Sugar" Just waiting to clear the last "Hoola Hoop" and I'll be off and running.


Do you jump at Skydive Atlanta or Rome?

I have been to Rome and still visit on occasion but I MUCH prefer Skydive Atlanta to any of the other DZ's in Georgia.

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[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1]In Reply To[/size][/font]
There is nothing wrong with the Clipper I'm riding today.
However I now have ordered this little baby.B| Just have to have pation now until it arrives. Just to bad it's going to be winter before I get my hands on it...
It's good to have something to look forward to.
What do you wait for? What do you look forward to? Tell and lets wait together!:D
What size is it going to be? cool colors. i'll attach mine


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:S I am waiting for many things...
I am waiting for the weekend so I can be one (two or even 3 )
jumps closer to fulfilling my AFF course...yep, I'm a newbie, but it is in my blood!!!
I am waiting for the phone call to come that I was promised over a week ago... ...and I am waiting for the moment when I no longer wait for that! ;)
I am waiting for a few more months of a contract to end so that I can move out of this town I live in...;
andI am waiting 30 more damn! minutes so I can leave this hell hole and go home!!!
newbie gal
nice to meet you!!!

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This is my Hornet 210 (i'm an anvil) - i've had it since July. Had about 8 jumps on it when I went to Rantoul.
I had to wait 5 weeks for it to come in. It looks good with the white ribs in there.
The stripes are asymmetrical - my friends give me hell about being too anal retentive and having to have everything symmetrical. I showed them.;)



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