
Sick jokes

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The other night i was talking to this whore and she told me she could tell when a mans sperm count was getting too high,I said "wells hows that?" and she said "when I have to chew before I can swallow!".............
This guy I know was going to get evicted by his landlady who is a really skanky old hag,well he goes and begs her not to throw him out in the street,says "I'll do anything".So the old hag says he'll have to pleasure her,so he bites the bullet and takes her to bed. Well hes trying to get things going but he can't get it in and tells her about,she says "hold on second" reaches down and does something.He glides right in ,he can't believe it,one of the best fucks in his life!...So hes lying there smoking a cig and he ask her what she did? she says "OH,I just reached down and tore the scab off"..........

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Man! I'm eating:S!!!!. You REALLY, and I mean REALLY need to jump! Go do a tandem. Yesterday the leg pictures (I was eating dinner) today the sick jokes (I am eating lunch).
P-leeease, someone get him to do a tandem!!!!!

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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