
Working the night shift

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Go back out to the woods, prep a field orders brief, check perimeter barriers, inspect guard points, check head-space & timing on the .50 cals, make sure range card markers are visible under night vision, ya know, the typical Saturday night.
Hearts & Minds
2 to the Heart-
1 to the Mind-
Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

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pushpoint blowgun darts can take care of 45 minutes or so ... if you have the metal ones around still ... the plastic ones are really too light, and they shatter on impact sometimes ... LOL
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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I was thinking of ordering PIzza. I cannot leave the office here doing LAN work. I just know nothing will go wrong tonight and they want to pay me to sit here and do dick all night long. IIIIIII just wanna rock you.... AAAAAAll night long, baby let me rock wit chu, I wanna rock you baby, I wanna hold you baby, I wanna you to have my baby, sure you can be my lady.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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they want to pay me to sit here and do dick all night long

I know how that is. I have been sitting here for almost 8 hours now doing almost nothing. People call me...I tell them there is nothing wrong with the circuit. Then hang up and close the ticket. I can't do any "real" work because they are rolling some servers that my network management applications sit on. So....I have been surfing Flipdog, Dice, and a bunch of company web sites. I did apply for 5 or 6 differen't jobs tonight.....:D

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just don't drink on the job on you might end up with some servers on the florr and a stitch on your eye you pirate.

Sorry couldn't resist, but I hear you. That is how I got this job, applying on web sites at night whilst I wasted away reading the DZ.com site and searching for cars

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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