
JUST PLAIN BOGUSNESS (hope that's better)

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:(:(:(:(things aren't going to well with life right now, relationship, job, its just shit... so unfortunately I'm going to be grounded for a while... can't afford to skydive because I'm still a freaking student...
I'll still be buzzing around the forums, but won't be back in the sky until next year...so sad, Wishing everyone wonderful blue skies and happy times...

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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Aaggghhh...you had to say that. I'm debating that with a friend right now...LOL. I want to jump so bad. Then the other little person on the other shoulder says be sensible...you must eat and pay bills. The skydiver wannabe is about to knock the sensible idiot off her shoulder perch...LOL.
But seriously, I keep hearing that once you start AFF you need to go as much as possible not spread out to one a month. That the repetition is what's needed. What are the opinions on this? Just curious.
These forums are so great:ph34r:

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Aaggghhh...you had to say that. I'm debating that with a friend right now...LOL. I want to jump so bad. Then the other little person on the other shoulder says be sensible...you must eat and pay bills. The skydiver wannabe is about to knock the sensible idiot off her shoulder perch...LOL.
But seriously, I keep hearing that once you start AFF you need to go as much as possible not spread out to one a month. That the repetition is what's needed. What are the opinions on this? Just curious.
These forums are so great:ph34r:

Easy, switch to Static Line. Much easier to take a slower pace in that method.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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All of my senses were totally gone in the context of doing what was right money wise.
I got in that zone or point of no return and I jumped.......I was poor but I was jumping ........I knew the sooner I got done the sooner my jumps would cost less.........The weather was bad that year and sometimes I had to wait three weeks....I remember the DZ shuting down for almost a month.low clouds, high winds.
I think you should jump once a month if its possible to do that........ask for jumps for x-mas or your birthday.;)

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I am in the same position as you, but not for financial reasons. Life doesn't always go as planned. You can deal with this in one of two ways. Let it really bug the shit out of you and forget how to enjoy life, or learn from it and learn how to turn a negative into a positive. We choose our own conclusions.

Good luck, I understand. :)
BTW, I would change the title of your thread. Around here, those words are scary to see.


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BTW, I would change the title of your thread. Around here, those words are scary to see.

Yeah, I thought the same thing, if you can, change it:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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The DZ I'm planning on going to does not offer static line. There is another one about an hour further but would it be worth it.
And jumps are already on every special occasion list I can come up with.
Well I did not get any work done today thanks to DZ.com..but I sure feel better:$

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Yup - I hear ya Gretchen. I would say my life pretty much sucks shit right now - I feel your pain! But hey - Xkeys is such a cool place I'd go just to hang out with the cool people even if I couldn't jump. You'd be surprised how much you can learn on the ground - not to mention how much fun and mischief you can get involved in there! I'll be up there for some $10 midweek jumping (OMG!) in a few weeks - trying to turn things around. Whenever things work out for you - skydiving will be here waiting. Until then, you have us!


Fall in dove.

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Well I think the person on the left arm tried to say something, but I and the feller in the red leotards on my right arm told him to shut the frrk up! So I did my AFF as fast as weather permitted - that is the best way!
Personally it is my oppinion that skydiving has priority. I started doing this to have fun. I am not having fun. The feeling is indescribeble - it's overbearing joy, it's the learning experience, it's a new thing with every jump. Then I exchange experiences with other people at the bar or parties. I listen to the more experienced folk. I try to share my experience with beginners or tell them who to talk to.
The point is to stay humble. Do not ever think you are really good. Do not EVER think there is nothing for you to learn. If you want to skydive you must shift your priorities. Whatever you need money for, comes second to skydiving. The rewards however are better than from any other activity.
Skydiving does not tolerate stupidity. You will notice that your skydiving friends are usually much brighter than the whuffo crowd you hung/hang out with. Formally aducated or not, people who are committed to skydiving have more of joy de vivre than any other group I know. When you are not discussing jumping you will notice an unbelievable richness of topics you can discuss. Not the usuall "So what do you do for a living?" delivered by an aspiring young professional dressed in black at the bar, who is making payments on a car they can't really afford and does not know any bette pick up line;).
Does this all make sense? If not then: Wellcome to the world of skydiving. JUMP, JUMP, JUMP. Every day without a skydive is a wasted one. You will not be able to re-live it.
Your neighbourhood Sky Hippie

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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The DZ I'm planning on going to does not offer static line. There is another one about an hour further but would it be worth it.

Remember, this is just my opinion, and many will think otherwise.
In my opinion, S/L is a better training program. Both programs have advantages and disadvantages. It is true though, that the Static Line program is much easier to do at a relaxed pace. The jumps are cheaper, allowing you to do a few each time you get to the DZ, instead of just one. Also, the amount you learn on each group of jumps is much less than AFF, allowing you to relax, and not have to hope you forgot somehing important.


And jumps are already on every special occasion list I can come up with.

Nice start. Now be sure and make sure jump tickets and/or gear is/are the only items on your Christmas list! ;)


Well I did not get any work done today thanks to DZ.com..but I sure feel better:$

Welcome to the dysfunctional family!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Currency breeds relaxation and familiarity in our sport, and that's very important. I don't know whether that means you would do it all at once and thus wait until you can. I just wouldn't recommend spreading out AFF too far, since you might waste a unit by having to repeat it if you are not "feeling" current.

As for static line, I can't really comment on whether that's easy to spread out or not, since the 3 DZs near here have all discontinued static line some time ago.

I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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. Let it really bug the shit out of you and forget how to enjoy life, or learn from it and learn how to turn a negative into a positive. We choose our own conclusions.
Good luck, I understand. :)BTW, I would change the title of your thread. Around here, those words are scary to see.

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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