
What's the most vivid memory about your first jump?

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Mine was feeling the rush of air from the open door, the warm sun (of course this is during the summer in Az), and looking down at the ground. I knew that I'd be taking step into a new life, :)blue ones
"Dancing Argentine Tango is like doing calculus with your feet."
-9 toes

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For my first jump, I was in the C-182 and 2nd to jump. I see the first guy fall away and I am thinking to myself what the heck am I doing here?

Of course the first guy was an idiot (a first jump as well) and did not listen to the instructors. As a result, he broke his ankle.

Twas a great day other wise!

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on my very first jump (a tandem) i remember exiting and then instantly finding the video guy and looking at him. You can see that on the video too.

On my first AFF jump the thing that stays with me is that my jumpsuit blew up in freefall and gave me a good scar on my ankle.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I can see the whole thing on video...but the most memorable part of my tandem was....

watching the tandem in front of me leave....my stomach dropped...i realized that there was no turning back....I was AMAZED at how fast they disappeared from view....YIKES!!!!

274 jumps later....i love watching the groups in front of me disappear!



I'm a Doll!!!!

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my first two jumps were fine (they were static line) , but on my level one aff . I let go of the otter at about 15,5 and completely blanked . sensory overload!!! The first 5 seconds of the dive was like I had gone to heaven and nothing else mattered . After that (at about 13k) I realized that the earth was approaching at high speeds and remembered that there was a dive plan , something like right turn left turn check altitude prcp's . But the thing I remember most about the dive was my dad (main side jm) giving me LEGS OUT! LEGS OUT!and all I did was smile because I was so overwhelmed by the feel of falling 120 mph!!!! Needless to say , my level 1 sucked , but I did pull so I passed:)

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All of it! I could practically see it in my sleep. I still remember the way the cold air hit me when the door came open and the way we goofed off in the plane the whole way up.I remember my surprise at the silence under canopy and the rush of free fall.My first words when I touched the ground were "That was badass!I've gotta to do it again!!" Hell I cant even listen to any of the songs from my video w/o gettin nostalgic.:$

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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the jumpsuit was the kind that has two zippers starting at the ankles, going up the inner leg past your crotch and up your chest to your neck. well the zipper on my left ankle gave way and the wind ripped open all the way to mid chest by the time i pulled. at first i thought it was just the extra material flapping around. Then when i opened i looked down and noticed that i could my leg and the shorts i was wearing underneath. I actually said "thats not supposed to be there" Kinda funny watching me come in with half my jumpsuit trailing behind me :D
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I love reading these! It seems as though everyone has almost the same vivid memories! I'll never forget just watching the jumpers before me, dive out of the plane. Of course, nothing compares to the first time at the door and looking down, watching how fast the previous jumper disappears, and then out the door!:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I still cannot understand how anyone can experience this and not want to go again and again and again!

I agree, but has anyone else noticed that there is no middle ground for first timers... it is either they love it and cannot wait to do it again or they just decided that bowling is more to their liking?

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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There are several.

Sitting in the door of the 182 looking at a 3500 foot drop thinking "wtf have you gotten me into, Tom?"

Keeping my left foot on the step instead of hanging completely from the strut. For some reason I thought if my foot was still on the step I could change my mind and climb back in. But, after the JM told me again to hang from the strut I removed it.

Under canopy I said rather loudly "This is so
&%$#ing cool!" B|

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it seems as if it were yesterday.

ahh it was july 1977, hot as it ever was in tecumpseh, MI and i went out to do a static line just to see what it was about... spent the day beating myself into the ground learning to PLF, and finally went up for a spectacular view.. i don't even think we even went to 5K, maybe like 2.5K.... but i'll never forget the opening shock and finding myself under a big white round fully flying... looking at the ground and thinking... damn that was like the hand of god reached out of the sky to shake me awake!

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Sitting in the open doorway of the Cessna with my left butt cheek inside the plane and my right butt cheek outside the plane. To my left was the easy, safe, sensible option. To my right was a new world, a new adventure, the stupid option. The most memorable moment was going against my natural instinct to get back into that plane, and the initial rush of thoughts and emotions that swept over me for a fast second as I pushed myself out of that aircraft.
Then again, I don't think I'll ever forget paying the bill either ! ! !

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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hanging form the strut of the 182, looking down and thinking... "this is soooo wrong." then letting go and having a brain fart for a second or so, then looking up and watching the canopy open up. too cool! i still couldn't tell you what color it was though.B| after landing... "hey, manifest guy, when can i go again?":D
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Static Line: Ft. Benning, GA, C-141...the NOISE from the jet engines that turned into the stillness of a quiet T-10 canopy ride.

Free Fall: Ft. Bragg, NC, CH-53...looking over the edge of the ramp and thinking "What the HELL am I doing?" then being interrrupted by my Instructor''s polite "GO!"
Arrive Safely


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Level 1 aff - about to start some DRP and my goggles fliped up and onto the top of my helmet.

Threw me for a moment.

Secondry JM kept pulling them down over my eyes , so I kept turning my head to look at him. Then I kept getting nudged by primary who kept saying look at him. This went on for a while and I decided to ignore the goggle coz everytime the sec put them over my eyes they would flip up again.

locked on to alti at ~6000 , pulled at 5500 (dropped ripcord, doh)

Under canopy - where's the DZ , 360 deg turn still couldn't see the DZ, Looked down there was the DZ below me (I was at 5000ft)

thought I was going to fail as I never got any DRP in , but they passed me saying I handled the situation well and pulled at the correct hieght which is what mattered most.

Cleared for level 2

Haven't looked back since.
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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S/L jump- line twist from the canopy to the risers plus a little - I kicked out and the rest was uneventful- And I got a great tricep workout - (sore for a week afterward!) - I was working that hard to spread the risers!

My signature line is beginning to dry rot---

Easy Does It

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