
Skydiver Pets

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I don't think cats care who feeds them, so long as it happens.

My cat never seemed to notice my absence when I went skydiving. I take my dog Vinnie with me though, and the cat used to miss him like hell. :S

Whenever I go abroad Vinnie pines for days, apparently. Then when I come back he growls at me, while he wags his stump; then ignores me for an hour before he forgives me. :D

He was a real bastard as a puppy, but cute as hell. Turned out to be a brilliant dog though.


vinnie pup 5.jpg

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vinnie pup 4.jpg

vinnie pup 3.jpg

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I have to say...that is a pretty cool dog!!


My cat never seemed to notice my absence

My sister in law's cat is hilarious. Normally it won't let anyone but her near it. But let them go out of town, take the dogs with them, and I'm gone to the DZ for the weekend. He even wants ME to pet him when I walk in the door. Still won't let me pick him up though...:D

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Cara is a 3.5 year old Beauceron. She is a certified Search & Rescue dog that spent eight days at the WTC as part of the FEMA Urban Search & Rescue FL-TF2. She is also the first certified pararescue skydiving dog (non-military). In her off hours she also goes to the local nursing homes as a therapy dog. In December of last year she was one of only nine dogs to receive the AKC "Heroic Services" medal.

cara repelling1.jpg

Cara with AKC medal.jpg

Cara with doggles2.jpg

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I love cats!

I have this to say about people that take their dogs on tandem jumps - chickens. I intend to be the first person to successfully take a cat on a tandem skydive. Got a little chest harness and everything.

Sadly, I cannot show you any pics of the cats because I have had to cut them all away :-( So I attached a pic of myself instead.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD


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I have a pet iguana. Crazy animal. It owns the house. It climbs where and when it wants to. Usually behind the fridge. My mother who's pretty much adopted it, is about ready to throw it out the window, cause it's eaten all the house plants. Or as I like to call them, the Amazon forest. She has the amazing ability to resurrect plants from the dead. The ivy was slowly taking over the house. It was getting kinda scared of sleeping at home becasue I'd wake up one night tied up by the plants. I'd post a pic, but I don't have one. BTW, you can walk an iguana. I used to have a leash, but it got too big for it. Try to imagine the looks you get from having an 3 foot long iguana on a leash.

"Dancing Argentine Tango is like doing calculus with your feet."
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Kayla would get along with my miniature horse for sure!! Sootie just won at the annual fair:
2 1st ribbons, 3rd. and overall champ!!

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.



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Cool! We get to show pics of the babies :) What gorgeous ones we have on here too! Here are ours:
Judge (Rott/Dane mix)
Thomas (old gray cat)
Ceasar (Himalayan)
Teddy (???? Chow/Cocker/horny next door neighbor dog mix)
Paco (American Eskimo/Chihuahua mix)

They are all rescue animals and fantastically well behaved. Paco is still learning..he spent his entire life (6 yrs) as a stray in the Dallas, TX area, then being treated for a year for heart worms. The foster home didn't take that good care of him either...we had him checked out after we got him and he'd had dislocated shoulders and a bad back for who knows how long.

We have a hamster too..but no pics of her :)





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Paco (American Eskimo/Chihuahua mix)

now that would have been an interesting liason... :D

"yup, most chihuahuas are little skinny dogs, but this one was a real husky fucker!" ;)
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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I love that fourth one. In my bizarre state of mind it looks kind of like she just explosively vomited out a cat or something.

Nice Doggy.

We've got two Shiba-inus. I gotta find my favorite picture of Banzai, my male. He's got his head stuck in a Dreyer's ice cream carton. Shiba's look exactly like Akita's but economy-sized.

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