
What would you do if you lost

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I don't think it is possible to answer that unless it happens to you..

I know that the mental pain would be so bad it would hurt physically.

When my x took my son that is what I felt. Sheer terror, helplessness, anger, pain. It would suck beyond belief and I would dedicate my life to killing those that killed my loved one..


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Well most people do not want to think about this and should'nt have to

I have to though because my husband is very sick. He is getting a new kidney however that does not mean he will ever be as healthy as a normal person. I hope he bounces back after the transplant......he is only 36 Im 29 and we should have many years ahead of us. I do have to consider the what if though.:(

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I apologize in advance if I screw this up. You are clearly in a vulnerable place, and I want to tell you what you need to hear, and I may get lucky, but usually all I have is the truth.

I would suffer the pain of hell. I would adopt a mantle of normalcy for my children and pray that I was doing what was right for them. My needs are secondary to theirs. If you have kids, I'd suggest you lose yourself in caring for them.

If it was just the two of us, I'd take a long sabbatical, like 6 months, and then I'd either go back to work, or go get my ratings and work a DZ.

I honestly don't know. I'd have to create a world without my wife in it, and I won't do that unless I'm forced to.

Hang in there. It is always darkest before the dawn. -Cheesy, but pretty true.

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It is truly ironic that you asked this, Tiff.

I lost my Fiance a few years ago to complications from diabetes. We had been together 5 years, living toghether 4 of those. She was awaiting transplant of a kidney and pancreas.

She was truly my best friend and the most loving, compassionate, and beautiful woman I have ever known. She had a grace of being that I feel truly blessed to have been a part of, even if for a short time.

Her loss was staggering to me. I literally went numb for months. People say then when someone they love passes, a part of them dies too. I never knew the truth until it happened. I had to stop skydiving for a while because I couldn't trust myself.

When I started dating a couple of years afterwards, that was another hard part. I felt like I was betraying her and I couldn't keep any of the relationships going because I kept trying to compare them to her.

I finally realized that she was probably looking down on me with her famous, "You're a nut, but I luv' ya', keep moving." looks and I know she would probably arrange to find a way to haunt me for the rest of my days if I didn't move on with life. That's just how she was.

Tiff, laugh, love and play with your mate every chance that you get. In the end, it's better to have as few regrets as possible. If you're thinking of a vacation together, do it. If you've been wanting to try something together, do it. Just spend *quality* time with each other.

I hope everything goes well with his surgery.


Donna Ryles
1/15/71 - 7/29/99
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Tiff, laugh, love and play with your mate every chance that you get. In the end, it's better to have as few regrets as possible. If you're thinking of a vacation together, do it. If you've been wanting to try something together, do it. Just spend *quality* time with each other.


I agree. And whatever happens, we'll be here for you. Best wishes. I'll keep you two in my prayers. I hope this isn't inappropriate, could you give an address that we can send cards, flowers..etc. It's the best I can do.
Best Wishes and blue ones,

"Dancing Argentine Tango is like doing calculus with your feet."
-9 toes

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I lost a boyfriend when I was 18 to a drug overdose. It sucked reallly bad and I took up skydiving.

I realized through that and the other losses in my life that you can't stop living because someone else does. You have to pick up and move on. Live out your dreams whatever they are and live with no regrets. That is what your loved one would have wanted anyways.

I hope you don't have to deal with a loss but even if you do... for every ending there is a begining...no one is alone in this world...and everything happens for a reason...even if you don't know what that reason is!!!!

Peace, love and LIFE forever

Mother Hen

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Having been there about 3 years ago, I can tell you the pain is enormous. Lost a girlfriend to a brain aneurysm.

You surround yourself with compasionate friends, you let time run its course, and you cry a lot.

Little by little the pain lessens (but never goes away) and you get on with your life.

Although I have a live in girlfriend, I still visit Bev's burial site on occasion. The gf understands that it is something that I need to do sometimes.


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