
What makes a man desirable to women?

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I am so glad to see someone else say that about money!!! It's the primary reason I going thru a separation and divorce right now. He's so totally freaked out about money it's not funny anymore. We have ceased to have a life because "it costs too much money". It got to the point that going anywhere in the car or doing anything together became unbearable because that's all he wanted to talk about, his money. There was nothing else left to talk about. And heaven forbid I try to spend money on skydiving. Was not going to happen.
But I'm going to LIVE now!!! I may not ever have the money he does but I'll have friends, family and an awesome life while he's counting his pennies alone.

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I don't get the guys who start losing a little hair and just give up and shave the rest off. Personally I think a receding hairline is kinda cute.

I've always thought that shaving one's head when one is balding is the honorable thing to do. I'm not balding, though, I just cut all my hair off because it's summer. If I lost my hair, I think I'd actually just trim it short and go for the Jean Luc Picard look. It looked snazzy on both my grandfathers. :)

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SBS got it half right I think. Girls always say that crap about nice, funny, blah blah blah...but they don't mean it. You know what that gets you? A friend that won't put out. Relationships are defined in the first couple of minutes you meet someone. If you come across all nice and sweet when you meet them, they'll think of you as friendly, not sexy. If you come across all crude and perverted, that'll usually be a turnoff. The thing that gets them, bottom line, is looks. It's in their genes, in their heredity, in their upbringing and surroundings and society that looks are what's important. If you don't have the look they want, it's over. So bottom line, look pretty and keep your mouth shut when you first meet someone. I haven't figured out how to morph into a stud yet, but when I do, I'll let you know how it's done.

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"Outlaws and stray dogs are what the pretty girls like"

When I was a bright shiny new Deputy Sheriff out at the old Santa Rita jail, I was shocked and dismayed by all the gorgeous women who lined up every Sunday to visit their criminal menfolk. These guys mostly had no money, no class, and weren't even free, but they had hotties (often more than one) lined up (literally) to see them. That's when a grizzled old veteran Deputy gave me the line above.

It's even cooler when a woman calls the cops cause her man is beating her to death and then attacks the cops with a knife when the doofus resists arrest.

Hungry eyes. Hungry eyes defeat every other aspect of appearance.

Not desperately starving, Viking, just really, really hungry for something good.;)

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  • I'm broke
  • I'm a charmer
  • I'm a liar
  • I'm intelligent
  • I'm a scum
  • I love life
  • I know how to listen
  • I'll make you small presents just because
  • I don't have a job
  • I'm a bum
  • I love candle light dinners and I cook
  • I know my wines
  • I'm self centered
  • I smile a lot

So come on babes, come and get meeeeee.....

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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When I was a bright shiny new Deputy Sheriff

Oh yeah, I've always wanted to do a cop. Something about the uniform. Or maybe it's that big stick they carry. Or the sound of a loaded Sam Browne creaking as they walk. I dunno.

Ooops. Was that out loud? :$

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Interesting, but based on the idea that all women are equal and the same. The women visiting criminals just ended up with them. 99% are losers who don't have options. They been tossed back enough and decided to stay with someone who thinks they're special. If you're going out to party, great. Be honest and it's cool. Sometimes people just want a little fun. If you're providing the fun, you're the man. A relationship would be chaos and tiring and what have you got ? Day to day misery. It is sincerely not worth it. There is a lot of great ladies out there.

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Oh yeah, I've always wanted to do a cop. Something about the uniform. Or maybe it's that big stick they carry. Or the sound of a loaded Sam Browne creaking as they walk. I dunno.

Ooops. Was that out loud? :$

Damn, and youre all the way over there in California...

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Nope, I'm not asking for half, I can't. I signed a prenup because I was stupid enough to believe that it would last. I will be asking for what is fair since all of my money these past 12 years have gone into our household. Why should I walk away with nothing and leave him with 2 cars, the house, property that we were going to build on and all the rest. I just need a car and what ever the court determines is fair.
Oh and I don't get mad...I just get even..J/K B|;):):P

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I... am... so.... fucked.... :S

I'll throw in my $0.02 on the shaved head thingy since I'm one of them.

I don't have a receding hairline... I have a hairline that's in full retreat. I've always hated it. But Liz wouldn't let me shave it off, but now that's not an issue so bye-bye hair.

The shaved head thing is kind of dicey. You have to have the right shaped head to pull it off. My bro has been doing it for years and looked pretty good, so I figured I'd be OK. But still I gradually shaved it off just to make sure. Well that and so I didn't freak out my co-workers. ;)

Personally I think the receding hairline makes you look older and I always felt kinda dorky.

So anyway, I do it because I like the way I look and quite frankly it makes me look younger.

If chicks dig it, cool. If not, cool.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I am screwed as far as attracting very many women. I'd like to think that I possess most of the qualities that you talk of, but it will likely all mean nothing since I was not blessed with a certain physical feature. Let's face it, the vast majority of women do not like bald men. Some of the women in this thread have even said it. Oh well ... what can you do ...

BS!!!! I'd sleep with Vin Diesel in a heartbeat!!!!!;););)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I'd sleep with Vin Diesel in a heartbeat!!!!!

Me too!!! He is a total hottie. But realistically speaking....what i look for:

1. Someone who doesn't hit me
2. Nice ass
3. Good sense of humor
4. Nice (i don't where the "treat women like shit to keep 'em interested" comes from)
5. Will actually give in on occasion to do a chic thing with me
6. He's gotta be taller than me and strong enough to pick me up
7. Must be a good kisser
8. Someone that actually returns phone calls

I honestly don't care if he has money or not. My ex-husband makes a ton of money. I chose to leave him anyway since i didn't love him.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I think the shaved look with a goatee looks cool..

Also, what makes a man want a woman?? Basic psychological principals make people want what they can't have. Women like a challenge not a whipping boy.. the easiest way to get the best looking girl in the room is to glance at her then don't pay any attention to her.. It is like a magnet effect. She will want you because she "subconsciously " thinks you are out of reach..


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1. Someone who doesn't hit me

Jesus that should go without saying.

Guys that hit women are weak. Actually anyone who has to resort to violence to get what they want are weak. Weak and insecure.


4. Nice (i don't where the "treat women like shit to keep 'em interested" comes from)

Like the hitting, it's a sign of weakness. It's preying upon someone who is vulnerable. They stay in relationships like that because they can maintain control. Control they wouldn't have if they were with someone who was able to stand up for themselves.

It's also a projection of their own insecurities upon the other person. It's a classic example of "elevating" yourself by knocking down those around you.

Pretty lame if you ask me.

I'd prefer to maintain a relationship with my personality. By having a person like me, and want to be with me, for the type of person I am. If they don't, well, then they aren't the right companion.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Well Sunshine, looks like we got a match. You just have to accept the little drawback that I posted a few lines above. And I am a good kisser (clinically proven). And I do return phonecalls. (Ask T Mobile/Voicestream). By the way how tall are you?;)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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I didn't ask for half, but everyone says I should have. I just wanted to move on - not sit in court and fight about it. All I need is a little bit of food, a place to sleep, lotsa smiles and jumping (both kinds!);)

Fall in dove.

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I don't get the guys who start losing a little hair and just give up and shave the rest off.

If I showed you recent pictures, you'd understand.

Thin is one thing. Receeding is another. Both REALLY sucks. There does come a point in a man's life where ya just gotta say fuck it. Plus, I'm saving a fortune on haircuts... A surprisingly large number of women seem to like rubbing my head on jumprun for good luck, too.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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