
What makes a man desirable to women?

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Well Sunshine, looks like we got a match. You just have to accept the little drawback that I posted a few lines above. And I am a good kisser (clinically proven). And I do return phonecalls. (Ask T Mobile/Voicestream). By the way how tall are you

I'm 5'6". And maybe you return phone calls in the beginning, but you'll stop doing it as time goes on..... As for the good kissing, you got a tongue ring?;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Not a girl, so I can't answer.

But I can tell you what DOESN'T get the chicks. I used to be a normal guy - engineering degree, homeowner, six-figure salary, new cars, 401K, stable, yadi/yada. Everything my parents told me I would need in life. Didn't get laid for shit. Don't listen to your parents.

Now I'm a punk kid with dyed hair, self-employed at 1/3 my previous salary and spend more money than I earn on skydiving and scuba diving (always live beyond your means - even if you have to borrow money to do so). Fuck the world. I get laid a lot more these days.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Well Riddler, I'm divorcing the engineer with the big salary, homeowner, new cars, 401k, stable, yada yada...BUT..he has forgotten how to LIVE in pursuit of those things. I simply can't take it anymore, I'm about to die in this exsistance. I must get out while I still have chance for life.
That's why you're getting laid more these days, you're living and I bet it shows:)

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Common man.. We have all heard the story of a lady asking you for 6 inches and to make it hurt.. You _ucked her twice and punched her in the nose

That never happened and really is not funny Rhino. I would like an apology please you Segador.

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re. what makes a man desirable to a woman? --depends. desirable for what?? A serious romance, or just to get laid?? There's a difference.

If you're just looking for a "fling", consider: Women on business trips!!

Women on business trips are often more adventurous than they'd be when they're in their home town...And they don't want a big serious relationship: quite often they're just looking to score!! And since their time is limited, they won't wanna waste any of it! Bars near convention center hotels are good.

You might even get a room service breakfast thrown in on her company's expense account!B|
No, that last bit hasn't happened to me, I just have a hopeful imagination.

But last month I did manage to have a fling with a woman whom I met in a bar & one of the first things she said was she was from San Francisco & she was just in town (Frederick, MD) for 10 days on business and to visit relatives...It was a sure thing!B|

Of course it was two weekends where I didn't go to the DZ but a man has to have his priorities straight.

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Don't forget the G-Spot!;)

Good body, skydiver, good sense of humor, but serious when needs to be. A smile full of naughty promises... Oh and he definetly must be a good lover.:$

I don't care about his money. I've got my own. Not much, just enough.

Gene Police: "YOU!! Out of the pool, NOW!!!"

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Women ... are often more adventurous than they'd be when they're in their home town

Got to agree. Big yes. I used to live in Daytona. Women from the midwest visiting Florida for spring break. "A person in a foreign land has no neighbors". No one back home is going to find out what is going on. I still get the same thing in Tampa. Women from Orlando want to party and don't want the b/f to find out. Get out of town, party, no one is the wiser. Women visiting Key West are very agressive, a big escape for the Miami crowd.
That's the question - do you want some quick action or a relationship ? It's a new day. There's a lot of women who just want some fun also. Figure out what you want and be honest about it. There's someone for everyone.

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desirable for what?? A serious romance, or just to get laid??


consider: Women on business trips!!

Yeah, I gotta agree with this. I'm a marrying kind of guy, been with the same woman 18 years, 16 married (anniversary this year's on Friday the 13th-a joke there somebody) never cheated.

But- committed bachelors get the most boom-boom from married women on cruises with their girlfriends. The fling factor of women on "girls night out" trips and stuff like that is absurd.

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Okay, I have been pretty silent the last few months (6, gee, has it been that long?? How I have missed you all!!:(), but I gotta chime in here - and this thread is along those lines...


I have gotten 2 numbers in the past 2 weeks (a personal best I might add), but BOTH have not returned the favour when called for the initial "hook up" Now, I will admit in both cases, they were virtually "unknowns" to me (passed a few looks, made some brief conversation, but nothing too deep) and then I expressed an interest in getting to know them. They give you their number and you think you're in, but wait theres more.....in one case recently - the number turned out to be her recently seperated BOYFRIEND!!:o

Now, I am confident with myself enough to know that in the last case - she was not so much as dissing me, but using me to get to her ex - fine, took it in stride (she has issues!!:S) and moved on. But, these last 2....IF YOU WEREN'T INTERESTED IN ME RINGING YOU.....DON'T GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!>:( There are much better ways to go about it than to give out your number ("thank you, but I'm dating someone", "I'm flattered, but not interested", "no, #$@^ off!")

Any of you ladies out there (skybytch - I have always valued your "feminine" insight) care to comment? I guess with the invention of the cell phone, and the addition of voice mail- you screen your calls and reply to those you want to. Personally, I would rather only give out my number to those I was interested in ringing me, than to have everyone know my number and have my phone ringing at random times during a day!!! But that is just me.


Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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I heard a good explanation of this a while back and a solution. Women tend to give ph numbers and then the guy doesn't call. Why ? When a happy, smiling, sexy woman is standing in front of a man, he is getting the visual. The next day, no visual, just a ph number. Dating can seem like a lot of work sometimes to guys. Then, naaaaah, it's easier to just go shoot pool.
Solution: Get the phone number, but also "close the deal". Make a date for 3 days from now. Something light and easy like lunch in a public place. If it isn't working, you can bail. Call once to confirm. Sound good ?

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Read you loud and clear. It really annoys me too. I think it's just that people do not know/are affraid of refusing. What could be easier than saying NO in a polite way. Girl a couple of weeks ago walks up to me and wants to dance. I really did not like the music and really did not feel like dancing. So I said "look it's nothing about you, I just don't feel like doing it right now, please understand". This way I don't raise any hopes, spare time money and effort to all. But normaly people are affraid to do it. Why I don't know

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Ok what is it that when a women looks at a guy and thinks ":oi gotta get him in bed" or somthing like that? I know that every women is different but there are some things that they all have in common.

"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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skybytch - I have always valued your "feminine" insight

Gulp! Really? Damn....

I'm probably not the best one to answer this question... I'll only date skydivers (ex doesn't count, he usedta be a skydiver) so generally I know someone reasonably well before giving out my home number - and I'm real easy for any jumper to get ahold of when I'm at work.

I have given (whuffo) guys the wrong number before... I wouldn't give anyone my home number if I didn't want to get to know them better.

btw it's good to see you back postin' pyke. Been wondering what happened to you. Don't be such a stranger round here!

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One word...Alcohol.

It works both ways. If you are under the influence people tend to look better and you feel a little more confident. Then you sober up :( and the next day you say, "who the fuck is this person?"


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