nws01 0 #51 September 4, 2002 A really good time is a understatement Muenkel. We did a jump for you though. thanks for the good vibes! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #52 September 4, 2002 I have a better twist to the thread. How about nights you should have gotten laid incessantly but didn't. Have a great story of that...In a hot tub with three naked women. On New years eve. No sex there....later in the night propositioned by no less than 3 differen't women. (And I do me rather directly IE- "Why don't you come to bed with me and When you get done with her stop by my room" were two lines I remember) Turned them all down because I was being "The nice guy" since this party was at my "girlfriends" house. Went to sleep that night without ANY because she was having some "Issues" I WAS KICKING MYSELF FOR A LOOOOOONG TIME!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Muenkel 0 #53 September 4, 2002 The good vibes were genuine. Thanks for the jump...I really needed it! _________________________________________ Chris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumperpaula 0 #54 September 4, 2002 QuoteHow about nights you should have gotten laid incessantly but didn't.. No, Clay, honestly that has never happened to me. Sad story though... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #55 September 4, 2002 Quotehonestly that has never happened to me. You're a chick...you don't count!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mujie96 0 #56 September 4, 2002 QuoteQuoteI'm thinking I need to move to a bigger DZ Consider Atlanta....we have lots of both DZ's and bytch's..... Just keep swimming...just keep swimming.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjumper66 0 #57 September 4, 2002 at a drop zone in the empty otter in front of the owners house.... i later found out that it was a simple right of passage on the dropzone.... (i wonder if it was a right of passage to do it in his home-office at the annual christmas party... "I Know Nothing..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dove 0 #58 September 4, 2002 Front seat of an on-duty cop car. I went for a ride-along and it was a slow night so we made our own action! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spy38W 0 #59 September 4, 2002 There I was, no shit... er wait, wrong story I was in this bar one night and this pretty hot young girl was kindof bumping into me, I figured I was in her way, so I moved over a bit to give her some room. Then she started rubbing up against me, bought me 3 Irish Car Bombs and told me I was going home with her. So we get to her place, she makes herself a sandwich and has some 'herbal refreshment' then goes to the bathroom. I was pretty drunk by this time so I layed down on her couch. About a half hour later I discovered that I had to use the bathroom so I knocked on the door, no answer, knock again, then crack the door and see that she passed out on the toilet. Funny, she never called after that happened. -- Hook high, flare on time Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #60 September 4, 2002 In a movie theater during a movie. Wore a skirt, garters and a long leather trenchcoat for the occassion Hmmm...in many parking lots, a BJ through a toll booth, on the hood of my car at Raeford... Wherever the mood hits! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nws01 0 #61 September 4, 2002 Quotea BJ through a toll booth I'm cummin out of the booth! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BMFin 0 #62 September 4, 2002 In school , I a school class. With my ex-girlfriend. (ofcource there was no other people in the room.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enrique 0 #63 September 4, 2002 Sex with mom and dad in the room *** lmao Sex with your parents? Isn't that illegal? J/K Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #64 September 4, 2002 While driving past Police HQ in Chicago then crossing the Michigan Avenue bridge and up North Michigan Avenue, at 4:00p.m on a Friday afternoon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimbo 0 #65 September 5, 2002 * In the back seat of a car, while my friend was driving. * On the green at the golf course behind my house. * On a picnic table in a park during a warm summer rain. * Got a BJ in back of my friends car while he was driving, then while he was getting a speeding ticket, then while he was driving... I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind... - Jim"Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndyMan 7 #66 September 5, 2002 Please avoid the obvious jokes: On a vet's examination table. _Am__ You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jraf 0 #67 September 5, 2002 QuotePlease avoid the obvious jokes: On a vet's examination table. _Am You animal, youjraf Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui. Muff #3275 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouth 0 #68 September 5, 2002 Clay... It's Ms. Bitch to you! -- Hot Mama At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stacy 0 #69 September 5, 2002 the standards of course- active runway cars- funny about one auto incident. @ a DZ for a boogie, wandered off. got a little involved in the car, apparentely people noticed. in line for the shower hte next day soem random person taps me on teh shoulder and asked if i was hte chick in taht car over there (poitning to said vehicle)... oops. a plane or 2 tents (apparently they aren't very well insulated for sound) across the hall from my parents it's late. i'll have to think of more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallinWoman 1 #70 September 5, 2002 Ok...maybe not all that crazy...but here is what i'll share..... In a tent pitched in a dining room..... And whoever said sex in a pool doesn't work clearly just doesn't know how to do it.... Anne ~Anne I'm a Doll!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sar911 0 #71 September 5, 2002 In the apartment at the top of Cinderella's Castle, Walt Disney World. On the stage of the Polynesian Luau at the Polynesian Resort, Walt Disney World. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zenister 0 #72 September 5, 2002 ah some wonderfull memories.. - fire towers, all across the blue ridge mountains (damn that was a good summer :D) - BJ in a fox hole at NTC while wearing NVG's ( I saw soooo many stars that night!) - lots of fire escapes in various cities - empty baptismal in a church - 2 “ gutwrenchers” in the Bellingham airport parking lot last time I was at Baker…(sigh) ok now i need a shower. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rachill 0 #73 September 5, 2002 O.K. I'll give one..... Once gave a hand job to a classmate in English class while standing with our backs to the entire class and teacher . We were supposed to be looking for our graded papers that were sitting on the cabinet. I found something else! BooYa#1 GR#50 You might be a skydiver if... Your having sex and she whispers in your ear "I've never done this before" and you yell out "Case of Beer" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moodyskydiver 0 #74 September 5, 2002 QuoteOn a vet's examination table. heh! Doggie style!Doggie style! LMAO! Sorry Andy, just had to take the cheap shot... "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
megscott73 0 #75 September 5, 2002 Wow, what a fun thread! 1. Two different public bathroon that happened to be in bars (I suppose you could call those alcohol induced...) 2. Cemetary 3. Big grassy field in the middle of a rain shower (VERY cool!) 4. Neighbors bed while I was supposed to be 'watching' their house. 5. Beach (duh, of course!) 6. Tent @ Delaware Water Gap (Awesome!) 7. In a bar on a REALLY crowded dancefloor--in a skirt, standing up (OK, LOTS of alcohol involved, but I don't think anybody knew!) 8. In a car at a park at about 3:00 in the afternoon---people were playing tennis about 100 feet away. 9. On a basketball court (ok, it was at night...) I personally think the outdoors is just the best. :)======================= "What I want is what I've not got ,but what I need is all around me"-DMB Meghan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites