blondeflyer7 0 #1 September 4, 2002 I had the scariest thing happen to me last night?? I had alot going on and then the next thing I realized is I was face down on the floor. I passed out cold. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluefingers 0 #2 September 4, 2002 hee hee .... I passed out in a bush shower in Kosi Bay (SA) once - had been on the road, on my own for 14hrs. Had ONE beer and CRASH! Not one of my finer moments Kerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meatmissile 0 #3 September 4, 2002 Quote I had alot going on You mean that you were in a high stress situation? I presume that you are talking about mental stress here. Have you been eating well? Getting enough sleep? Even if you have, I'd suggest you get a checkup - or at least a few days rest. Never happened to me, but recently a friend of mine had a similar experience. Good luck -- ZZZzzzz.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gypsy 0 #4 September 4, 2002 Geez Blonde I hope you are okay now! I can't say that has happened to me, but when I get stressed I just sit with my face in my hands, try to breath, and clear my mind for a little bit. It's calming for me, but everyone is different. I hope things are lookig better for you now! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sassy 0 #5 September 4, 2002 WOW.....hope you're ok now. Reading this post really gave me a heads up. With the stress in my life right now I better start eating and sleeping here pretty quick. Weight dropping off pretty fast, but I don't recommend this diet . I definitely don't want to experience this Sassy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blondeflyer7 0 #6 September 4, 2002 Well I called in at work today and I'm gonna try to take it easy today. Thanks for the concern Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #7 September 4, 2002 Actually, I've had it happen to two friends in the last month. One had not eaten properly. The other had taken a lot of Wellbutrin. If you are on any meds, take a look at the dosage. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #8 September 4, 2002 Sounds like you just need a couple beers and a nice massage.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
megscott73 0 #9 September 4, 2002 Sometimes when I have a lot going on, it helps to make a list of everything I need to do or everything that's on my mind. It gives me a different perspective & sometimes I find it doesn't seem like quite as much when I can see it all on paper. At least I don't have to worry about forgetting less worry!Take it easy & relax. Everybody needs a mental health day now & then. I hope you're feeling better!======================= "What I want is what I've not got ,but what I need is all around me"-DMB Meghan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coconutmonkey 0 #10 September 4, 2002 Yeah, a couple of times. Running amuck in the woods for three or four days without any sleep, chewing on instant coffee packets and getting IV's to stay alert. All this and a pay cheque, too!Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #11 September 4, 2002 Quote All this and a pay cheque, too! Yep....I sure miss being miserable for no good reason..... NOT!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEB6363 0 #12 September 4, 2002 I have passed out a couple of times. Those days they were alcohol induced!! Now, I'm just getting old Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuce 1 #13 September 4, 2002 Passed out twice. First time was getting my first cortizone injection in my heel, second time was just from getting out of bed while my blood pressure was way down. Stress and fear are real similar in their physical symptoms, and blood pressure drop usually is what induces fainting. If you're in good shape and have a low heart rate <60BPM lots of stuff can trigger a faint. Remember 43 choking on a pretzel? Talk to a doctor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEB6363 0 #14 September 4, 2002 Quote First time was getting my first cortizone injection in my heel Been there. Waaay No Fun!! Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stacy 0 #15 September 4, 2002 the only times i've passed out have nothing to do with stress. i was diagnosed with exhaustion twice during college and residency, and got some pretty cool meds to get me on a normal schdeule again, as my body had no clue when to sleep or wake up, it was the strangest thign ever.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #16 September 4, 2002 Just wondering... Is it possible you may have had a seizure and no one was around to see it. I've had friends who have seizures and they say they never know what happened. Oneminute they're OK, the next thing they know they're sort of going "Huh? Why am I one the floor?" - Z "Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #17 September 4, 2002 No I haven't had it happen. Come on you been hittin the sauce again blondie? Seriously you may want to consult a Dr. better to be on the side of caution don't you think? Glad you are up and around. BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blondeflyer7 0 #18 September 4, 2002 ......gosh I hope not. I think its just everyday stress and I hadn't eaten since that morning. I had worked alot in the heat that day also.Could be anything...... I rested alot today I'm doing alot better.......the stress unfortunately will not go away but the rest and eating I can take care of. It was wierd though it was the first time I had ever done anything like that....I guess thats why it scared me so badly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nws01 0 #19 September 4, 2002 Quote It was wierd though it was the first time I had ever done anything like that.... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blondeflyer7 0 #20 September 4, 2002 ok you got me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blondeflyer7 0 #21 September 4, 2002 believe it or not alcohol wasn't involved. I just may get a check up if it happens again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigra 0 #22 September 4, 2002 That did happen to me once, while I was at work. I literally keeled over at my desk while I was reaching down for a file. I had been working mega hours, super stressed, over tired and not eating regularly or properly. The next day, I sent in my resignation letter. Look into what is causing the stress and see what you can do about it. No job is worth your health and overall well being. maura Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skypuppy 1 #23 September 5, 2002 Get a checkup NOWW!!!! If this happens while you're driving, you may not wake up... My buddy was lucky, the first time it happened he was just in the ditch... The next time he was at home and didn't even realize it had happened... just wondered why his wife and kids were looking at him funny (he'd been sitting down when it happened). This is no joke. It may be nothing, but get checked anyways. Then drink beer.If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead. Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndyMan 7 #24 September 5, 2002 Quote Get a checkup NOWW!!!! Yup, fainting spells could be a sign of something that needs attention. Passing out from stress is not a common reaction. Make an appointment with your g.p. asap. _Am__ You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lummy 4 #25 September 5, 2002 I've had it happen twice, once when I was in second grade and was given some kind of booster shot ( remember when they GAVE shots in school?) The second time was on purpose at summer camp doing stupid 10 year old tricks.... I hope you listen to everyone and go get checked out. I know you think you're fine, but do it for Autumn, kay?I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites