
Interesting article in The Observer

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That is a well written article, and coming from a skydiver, it's even better. I think I might just pick up a copy of her book.

watching skydivers at a nearby campsite squirt lighter fluid on their bicycle tyres and ride through the campfire. After a short time they threw the bikes into the fire as well.

Sh1t, that sounds like a lotta fun!!

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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she also mentioned Clewiston in there I believe. Clewiston is not incredibly far from me. hmmm.

Not too far from me either, lemme know if you want to meet up there sometime. I guess I could even belly fly for ya.. :)

Hook high, flare on time

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For JTFC, a guy donated the car that we beat on for donations. Then, we set the car on fire.
One caveat in reading that book - A lot of the stuff she talked about was appeared in the Quincy video. The naked brunette on the jet, Jerry Loftis' death, the 'jet, jet, jet' chant, etc would be seen on the video without actually attending the event. I don't know. It may be fact, but writers are in the fiction-creation business. She mentioned that the girl stopped at the top of the stairs and waved. That was exactly what was shown on the video, so either she was on the load or...

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Bill, we obviously were beating on the same car Bernie has donated for $50. It was actually a nice car before we had our way with it, was it not? Also I agree about the video - I have seen Paul and Phanthom play it at the Bar a million times. I believe among other people it features Johhny G. (Hey Asshole!):)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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"the same car Bernie has donated " Not sure if it was Bernie or Steve Mott. But you are right, not a bad car beforehand. Quite a pic of TK standing on it, even though there was some reflection from his white Canadian bod.;)
"... it features Johhny G. " Actually, you can look at any Q video and see Johnny. He's always involved in something interesting. I even have friends with home video that he is accidentally in.:D Johnny's not an asshole, he's The Asshole.B|

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Wow...I think that's the best description of the feelings and lifestyle related to jumping that I've read. She obviously took some atypical events and made it look like they were everyday occurences. But, isn't that the way most of us live our lives? Extraordinary events that make us feel alive separated by humdrum periods of existence. At least that's the way I feel.

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Were all Assholes, were all worthless S**t, so hurray for me and f**k you, or better hurray for you and f**k me;).
The scarry part was that the car pounding happened a couple of hours after the JFTC event and TK was still wearing the female undies under his shortsB|. Makes you wonder....;)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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From the story description, it sounds like it was the 99 convention.


Wrong answer, try again.

It was the 1998 convention. Beyond a doubt. Jet Day 1998 was when Jerry Loftis died, four and and half hours later I bounced at the helicopter landing field.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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