
movie with a skydiving plot

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ok, all you creative types out there. Movies about skydiving are generally silly. Let's come up with a basic scenario for one. 10 lines or less.
To make it work, either something has to be going on and then skydiving is involved. Or skydiving is somehow the solution to a problem. I have never found a scenario where skydiving was a solution. Example, a prison break. Skydive 5 guys into a prison, now you've got 5 more prisoners. :o See what I mean ?
The other option, something is going on at a town and the dz just gets drawn into it. C'mon guys, let's hear some ideas.B|B|
I have already thought of a skydiving porn movie, but that would be classified as a documentary.;)

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Ok, (semi-)serious attempt now.

There's this town and this airfield and at the airfield the DZ. And then some evil rich guy wants to build the airfield full of houses/a shopping mall/whatever. And then the skydivers go and collect money with demojumps and try to win the Big Competition so they can have enough money to save the DZ.... and throw in a cheesy romance in there somewhere.. yeah between the main skydiver-character and the daughter of the evil rich guy! And there has to be the nobody-loves-him-asshole-skydiver there who sells out the other jumpers somehow and gets paid his 30 silver and then with that he buys a brand new sub-100sqft pocket-rocket and he hooks himself in (serves him right). And the evil rich guy doesn't like the jumpers one bit cause they are always BASE-jumping off his skyscrapers and other property... And in the end the evil rich guy gets stranded and injured on a mountain or something and the only way to save him is with the skydivers and he is saved and he sees the error of his ways and does a tandem... Can we please have some drug-smuggling thrown in there somewhere?


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The nobody-loves-him-asshole-skydiver uses the money he gets to smuggle drugs ino the country using skydiving as the method but the weight of the drugs puts his wing loading to high and he goes is?

Gravity- It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW!

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I found ring of fire kind of cool. Not so bad at all.
But down to business: Aliens attack the Earth by diverting a ateroind made of pure gold of it's path to strike the green planet. A group of scientist skydivers (I am on acid right;)) find a way of saving humanity. They mount two WARP Drive engines on to a Supper Otter, proppel themselves into space. They do not need to pressurize th Otter for a) they are wearing Spaceman suits from Tony b) the Otter has High Alt equipmentB|. They use a canopy they stole from the Space Shuttle program (government naturally is against the plot as five star general is a camouflaged Alien - a wetback from Guatemala as a matter of fact) The Otter brings them to outer space altitude (six trillion gagillion milles AGL). They jump (there is three of them, two guys and a babe. They are both in love with her) do flock formation in their Bird Man suits and land without opening canopies (no gravity) on the asteroid. There they fight the aliens (half spiders, half women with three boobs). At first it does not work as the five star general has substituted their weapons with paint ball guns. Then one of the dudes (the less attractive on with a slight cocaine problem and three outstanding warrants for dressing as a priest and exposing himself to a donkey) after consuming half a case of beer (first flreefly in space) thrusts himself on the main alien spider/boobbabe and accidentaly spills beer all over her. She manages to pin him to the ground smashing him dead with the third boob yet gets a taste of beer and the binge begins. The Super Otter makes repeated beer runs to earth, the surviving dude runs the bar while the babe attaches the Space Shuttle canpoy to the asteroid. In the meantime the Otter crashes on the Moon, cause the hydraulics give up. That is however OK as all the alien spiderbabes are drunk as sorority girls on a Friday night. Meanwhile on Earth the plot of the five star general is discovered as he is overheard communicating in Spanish with the Alien mother ship. He is captured, tortured (it's ok he's not even human) and then stuffed and put for public display in the Cuban Escape museum in Kye West together with all the other rafts and infalted craft they used to come to Earth. Back to the Asteroid though - with all the spacebitches drunk and the main canopy attached they need to figure out a way of propulsion to thrust the asteroind into outer space. But that is not a problem - they are at tude and they had a hearty British breakfast (retired commander Bond briefed them on the mission). So the rip off huge chunks of the golden asteroid for ballast, moon the main canopy, evacuate gasses (fart in human) thus propelling the alien mother....s into space and at the same time themselves towards Earth. They descend at sunset greeted at their DZ by hundreds of fornicating skydivers (the world was about to end so everybody got to it) and buy beer (many, many, many firsts on this jump) as well due to the fact that they landed with a ton of ballast gold, buy a day of free jumps for everybody a the DZ next day. The president comes, gives them medals, the flag waves and everybody lives long and happy........but one day the spaceboobbabes will sober up....that's when I'll write the sequelB|

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Interesting question... Instead of a tandem student, use a rucksack. With a 180 lb. jumper, 150 lbs. ? Whew! Makes your eyes red just thinkin' about it! I doubt this was ever done though.;) Perhaps just for "experimental" purposes during the development stage ? :D
Maybe we could do this as a spin on the next Crocodile Dundee movie ? He's already fought drug smugglers with bat dung in the outback. How about aliens ? Mick puts a croc in a tandem harness and lands on a space ship, releases the croc inside the spaceship. Pandemonium ensues. He saves Linda again. :D However, I want more boobie shots in this one. She's hot.B|

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"Cuban Escape museum in Key West" The reason that Cuba has no Olympic sailing team. If you can sail, you're in Key West.;)
"buy a day of free jumps for everybody a the DZ next day" Now we're talking. Real fiction.
(HT notes length of post) You're at work, aren't ya ?
Exellent script. Aliens, boobies, skydiving, happy ending. Talent emerges.

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HT: by now you should know - all roads lead to Rome, all real tallent comes from ZHills;) Sadly enough my job decided to part with me so I am at home with a nasty cold. On saturday the FreeFlyers kept the Otter door open to about 8,000 feet and it was real hot on the ground - sweat and lots of cold fresh air -thats what got me.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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A group of scientist skydivers

I have a BS in Microbiology...so your not hitting the acid too bad....and I know Speedracer is a scientist...so there are a few of us....

MY GF though is a true mad scientist...the Fallinwoman has a NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Degree.....

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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OK, we may have education, but it does not make us scientists - as skydivers we come into the category of MAD Scientists. You know, Dr. Jeckyl, Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Evil. In other words you Sir have a degree in EVIL Microbiology, I have an EVIL MBA, we all are EVIL scietists on the plot to bring back the reign of the Flying Monkeys. But that brings me to my newest movie scenario....B|

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Cool! A mad scientist. How about this ? A mad scientist changes gravity so that it goes sideways instead of down. Instead of walking, you have to skydive to go anywhere. When you get there, you take a grip. Of course, for freeflyers this would suck.;) Foot races would become swoop contests. Skydivers would be in demand and respected because of their skill. Pond-swooping could be done with no canopy.
ok people. If gravity went horizontal, in what other scenarios is skydiving an advantage ?

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Yes, but an important question arises: Horizontal North to South or East to West?
Anyway it gives opportunity for RoboCop XXIV and comes back to my original wetback alien five star general theory. Freflying RoboCop prevents a mob of RW illegal immigrants from horizontaly descending into US airspace by letting Evil Momkeyman out on them. The news of the Monkeyman reaches India where thousands thrust themselves into the waves of the Ghanghes to find their suicidal deaths as the arrival of the Monkeyperson means the end of the world. And that starts the real plot of this real life Indian drama as a slightly overwieght Captain of the Indian Strategic Baloon Command (played by Sateesh Suthriamiah)on a mission to dump his nuclear payload on Pakistan (obviously responsible for the appearance of the Monkeydude) out of his ultramodern hot air baloon. He however learns that his beloved girlfriend (Sanjana Suarna) is obducted by the local villans working for the Sivalinka religious sect and will be sacrificed on the altars to satisfy the gods morally and the priests on a more earthly sexual basis. While learning of that Sateesh starts singing a 25 minute long love song in urdu (for in fact he is a Pakistani spy, yet in love woth an Indian girl) and jumps out of the baloon to save her. In the time he is falling Sanjana is singing a 45 minute long love song proclaiming her love foe Sateesh yet with the caveat that if she is to be sexually abused for the good of the people, then so bee it. Coming back to Sateesh, in freefall he notices that he did not do a propper gear check (remember fellow skydivers ALWAYS check your gear) and in fact instead of a rig he jumped out with a fire extinguisher. This allows him to go into a 15 minute song (no particular topic, just singing to a horrible hindu melody) which brings him to a trance and then to the deepest state of meditation. Meditation brings him to levitation, so he levitates himself down, saves Sanjana while in the same time paratroopers from both India and Pakistan PLF around as they were sent by their governments to save the heroes Sateesh and Sanjana. Both countries unite, Sateesh and Sanjana have many many children and the newly united PakIndia bombs the hell out of Bangladesh while everybody around is singing a 78 minute song about how the love of a skydiver to a whuffo saved the world from the MonkeMan

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Why not, Jagger is doing a lot of gigs lately - geriatric olympics, the Exitncts of Rock concert etc. Which brings me to the conclusion that maybe we should make him the long lost grandfather of the Monkeyman

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Cutaway could have been improved though. Since it was being shot in Miami, I suggested that we use more alligators in scenes. There seemed to be plenty laying around. Just waiting to be used for free. I think alligators with laser beams strapped to their heads could have saved that movie. Aliens disguised as alligators... B|

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I think I would have enjoyed that, especially when Stephen character makes his first jump and they land on the beach. How perfect would it have been if a shark attacked or even better a beached whale trying to stay alive for one more day ate them?!

maybe ump my wild imagination but they don't make movies the way I would like to see them any more. What happened to popular B movies anyway?

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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