
Weather at Skydivie Chicago?

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Take lens cloths... if its humid (like normal) on the ground... it will be worse on the camera in the air ;)

WFFC I lost some good shots to fogging.... I lost a few last weekend too in Ohio.

I did get a really good close up ofa fingerprint when the moisture formed on the lens and autofocue was on last weekend....
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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Every year I've been here (since 1995) the weather in early Sept. to mid Sept. is the best all year. Highs in mid 70s to 80. Lows in the lower 60s. Usually very dry, clear skies. That is why they chose the dates that we have. Today it is partly cloudy and 82. Typical and gorgeous.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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Those just vary- I don't know if there is a pattern, or if there is I haven't noticed. Like Chris said, typically September has really beautiful weather, and I don't expect this year to be any different.

There is also another factor-I call it "Roger's Weather Mojo" which seems to be working pretty well this year. There have been plenty of days when the only blue skies to be found were directly over SDC- freaky but true!

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There is also another factor-I call it "Roger's Weather Mojo" . . .

Uh huh . . .

And there's a another type of mojo named for Nationals!

Ok, lemme ask you the biggie . . . do I need to bring rain gear and will I be jumping near (but not quite through) a lot of industrial haze?

Does my video camera need a windshield wiper?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I can't promise anything- I don't have a weather mojo! Based on personal experience, my guess is that the early loads may be legitimately "hazy", like morning mist. But I really think the weather will be nice during Nationals- nice temp, blue skies,not rainy or humid. That's what we get in September, honest!

Also, I don't think they will be dropping competition loads into "industrial haze" anyway! USPA is running the meet; I don't think that will happen for a number of reasons.

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Also, I don't think they will be dropping competition loads into "industrial haze" anyway! USPA is running the meet; I don't think that will happen for a number of reasons.

I guess you've never seen the tape from the Nationals at Sabastian?

I'm not saying that SDC would let thathappen, but there certainly is a precedent for it having happened before.

Also, stuff happens. Ya climb out and it's fine, launch and all of a sudden -- you're in it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Early September around Chicago is quite nice... However usually by the end of September it's starting to get into fall weather, where it can be cold with rain.

Exactly which time this shift takes place changes from year to year.

I would certainly bring rain gear, even though the weather should be nice.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Im not a local, but Im in chicago and the weather is great. There hasnt been weather hold yet. But it isnt prime swooping weather. It is a little windy. Just finished 2 days of jumping 8 each day with my team Frost. It started off slow here but people are trickling in.

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Also, stuff happens. Ya climb out and it's fine, launch and all of a sudden -- you're in it.

That would be most unusual around here. You can always see it coming.

Weather here is just lovely, like Maura said.

Being a Brit, I carry an umbrella with me everywhere, even to the desert.

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This time of year, I usually pack extra clothes for the weekends (I have a trailer there), because it tends to be cooler in the evenings and early morning, but warms up during the day.

Fleece may be a bit extreme. I would recommend a light jacket, jeans, maybe 1 sweatshirt and a couple of a long sleeved tees for the evenings- you'll probably get by with shorts and tees during the day. (If you really want to pack light, there are laundry facilities on the dz as well.) If you are tenting it, bring more warm stuff, just in case. The forecast is looking good so far, though!

That said, I remember being in Dallas in February one year, beautiful temps- 65-70ish, and folks on the plane were wearing neoprine gloves and fleece neck warmers. I guess everyone has their own definition of COLD!!!!


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