
NOT our fault!!!!!

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So... there I was, beautiful saturday, getting all geared up for my fourth jump, and someone runs into the hangar yelling "HOLY S**T!!!!! Frankenotter just groud looped!!!"
Picture below... The landing gear snapped on the left side on landing. All is fine, though. It should be repaired and flying back to CSS today. More importantly, noone got hurt. Mario is an AWESOME pilot for saving it from more extensive damage....

Did I just kill another thread?

Frankenotter 006.jpg

Frankenotter 005.jpg

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Damn... Skydive Gan was one of my choices for this weekend, too.... Eek!
Glad everybody was allright!

Well, CSS sent up the other Otter so we weren't too badly off.... THe boogie turned out great. About 40 people showed up from Quebec, and a bunch of people from all over Ontario. Good fun!

Did I just kill another thread?

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Yeah, that was quite a depressing sight to see as I drove into the airport on Sunday morning. The other Twin Otter was just as good though really. I was happy just to be jumping from a turbine aircraft!

The runway at Gananoque isn't the best though - all the
ground there is very uneven, as my knees noticed when I slid in on them. Sliiiiiideeeee! Thump! Yelp! Can't have done much for the landing gear on the Frankenotter.

Great boogie! Hope to see the Otter back soon. Oh yeah....I'd just like to say that the naked jump, a necessary end to a good boogie, went excellently, with the girl on the jump flashing the camera nicely as she front looped over the formation, taking it out. Good job :D. You can always tell a freeflier too - she was in a great sitfly as she went through the middle.

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I can't believe I missed that!!!!! I shoulda stayed!!!! I want pics!!!!

It was good fun while I was there though.... Love the thing you and sarah do with the helmets on the ride to altitude! :P

Did I just kill another thread?

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