
The X-Ray Thread - Post 'Em Here!

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This came up in another thread, but I thought it was a great idea. If you've been unfortunate enough to get injured while skydiving, at least you get bragging rights for cool X-Rays. ;)

Tibias, fibulas, vertibrae...

Plates, screws, rods, or whatever other metal you have.

Post 'em if you got 'em!

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No pics, but I can tell you what I've had x-ray'd!
I've had my leg (broken), my collarbone (broken), right elbow (multiple breaks), abdomen (Internal bleeding, really cool live x-ray thing, where you can watch the whole thing on TV.) and upper chest (collapsed lung), hip (false alarm, thank god) thats it.

If I ventured in the slipstream; Between the via-ducts of your dreams.......could you find me?

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My roommate. His altimeter malfunctioned it was his 60th jump and it was the first time jumping in like 5 months, in the ground the altimeter marked 1,000 ft. He made the approach just by looking at his altimeter, he landed crosswind and only flared halfway:(...it's all godd now...:)

Blue Skies
"A Subitánea et Improvísa Morte, Líbera nos, Domine."


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Lol, I did too much. Each one, aside from the internal bleeding/elbow combo were all separate. Each one was to do with skiing. Last year I broke my nose (no x-ray needed for that one!) and got a wicked concussion stalling out a backflip.
So each one was very much self-inflicted on the slopes. I guess I just push it too much.

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Well lets see.
Broken things:
Both arms twice (left, then right, then both) [skateboards]
collar bone[bicycle]
jaw [skateboard]
ribs [skateboard]
hand [fight]
left pinky [martial arts]

Sorry, no xrays laying about.

D.T. Holder

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oh didn't know we were talking about broken things. lets see i had a very rough childhood.

broke both collar bones
left tibia
left femer
left heal spur
had both knees scraped
two screws in my right knee
skin graft on my left hand pinky finger.
and my right wrist.
the only good thing (and was the joke of my injuries which were alway occuring ) was it was always my left side. hardly ever hurt my right side.
my parents are still paying on my medical bills and i haven't lived at home for 6 years...
my injuries were from 14 years of gymnastics, two motor bike accidents i haven't ever been on a bike since the last one. and one very stupied move with a knife.
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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Broken things many times, but no x-rays to post

3 years: split my lower lip wide open playing airplane with my Dad
5 years: cracked my noggin open falling from a fence
7 years: broke right leg (tib fib and ankle)and severe concussion when I was hit by a car
10 years: a fight in the school yard fractured my left wrist...but I won...came back the next day and whacked the bully over the head with my cast. I got suspended, but he got stitches....
12 years: in gymnastics, tore all ligaments in left ankle
13 years: lacerated palm and thumb...a tomato was the cause (trying to make a salad has it's challenges)
31-34: all toes (many times), most fingers earning my black belt
34 broke left ankle while doing a backflip pushing off the wall, pretending I was 17 and Jackie Chan, at the martial arts studio
34: Broke a rib during a black belt tournament...but I won anyway.
35: broke 4 ribs sailing over the bannister and through the plate glass window (ex..)

And no, guys don't dig scars....

Ciels and Pinks-

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Damn...you people need to learn to fall down better.

My list:
All 10 fingers broken and lost 3 teeth (Car accident)
Coccyx (No flair landing at about 27 jumps)
Left foot (5th Metatarsel) plying basketball and landed on someone elses foot. Rolled the ankle and snapped the bone.
End of list.....You people be careful out there!!!!;)

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Ok, who am I to comare but:
Multiple fracture of nose and it's base during bar fight in Germany - as result of beer stein smashing im my face
Fractured left hand thumb as result of police (read: Gestapo) intervention after said bar fight (I got to kick some police assB|)
Fractured toe after kicking car of unfriendly person
Was shot once (by accident) and it hurt!

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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My list is short for hospital visits...

1. Broken wrist - car accident
2. Torn left shoulder joint - football
3. Broken left angle with bonus concussion - stairs
3. Dislocated right shoulder - skydiving (keeps redisclocating every now and then >:()
4. Busted chin and right pinky, another concussion - WFFC!!!


I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Mine list is long...

55 stitches right between the eyes... 25 the first time and 3 days after they were pulled I ripped it open again (Age 4)

Broke both pinkies growing up...

15 stitches in left finger, 5 in right palm, too many butterflys to count through out the years....

Knocked out front 2 teeth.... twice.. (End result... Double root canal, double crowns... with out novicane...)

Various other injuries but I was never allowed to go to the hospital for those thanks to a parent that said that injuries are for the weak... Including having a ladder fall backwards 15 feet onto concreate... with me on it.. (Almost positive that was a concussion)

Been zapped by 110 electricty many times... 220 once... (220 leaves you with memory gaps...)

Cracked bones in the right foot 2 times... Once a cinder block fell on the foot the other time it was something stupid (Fell out of bed)

Ankle micro fracture in January...

No pins, screws or plates yet....
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Once a cinder block fell on the foot

I got one on the toes doing gardening. Figured I would save the trip to the hospital, taped the little guy to hos neighbor, and went back to work. I'm still not sure if I broke it, but if I did, it was my only break.

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No X-rays- I never got to keep any, but somewhere at home is a plastic baggie with 7 screws, a plate and a pin from a Tri-Maeleal (spelling?) Tib-Fib fracture. (broken ankle for us regular folks)

Tried to plant a foot on a landing, the foot objected [:/]

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wow, michele, didn't know you where a black belt...all this time i sit here and thought you where this mild mannered realestate agent..... and it a god thing i didn't know you when you went through the window(for the ex that is) can't wait to jump with ya next time i'm at perris (hey i sent in my c lisc. app today that means that you need to send in your b app. since we got our a/b lisc on thesam day last year...)

me i've fracturd my leg when i was 6 and don't have that x-ray. and that's all i've broke...when i get my mri from my neuro doc i'll have to scann it and show ya my former buldging disc

"i have no reader's digest version"

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