
Whuffo's Representing Skydiving

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It is really aggravating when you hear on the radio about some whuffo calling in to relate his skydiving experience and being told how 'brave' he is, being a skydiver and all. He did ONE tandem while in Vegas one year, and he was calling in to say 'that's what gets him out of bed in the morning' (the 'chatroom' topic of the day). If he wins the DVD player for it, I'll really be sick! I'm sorry, but IHO, one tandem does not a skydiver make unless you intend to keep jumping from there.

Oh, and he paid like $250 for it or thereabouts, plus an extra $150 or so bucks for the video! DAMN! No wonder Vegas prefers doing tandems to fun jumpers!

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I agree....

Doing one tandem doesn't make you any more a skydiver than standing in your garage makes you a car!! ( Does that make sense?)

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Agreed. One tandem does not a skydiver make. Show me an A-license and I'll show you a skydiver. Until then, he's just another whuffo (with way too much money and not much sense). How could a tandem be so much more valuable at Vegas? And $150 for video?? What are they doing over there? Makes me want to go undercover as a "first-time" jumper and see what the fuss is all about?

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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grrrr me too
Got a friend who did one tandem, over a year ago. Now he's telling anyone who'll listen that HE got me into skydiving (utter crap, been wanting this since I was 6yrs old, watchin my dad jump in zimbabwe). And on top of it all, he is forever telling me how to land how to flare, how to control my canopy. What pray tell, does he know? Especially since he has not once ever seen me jump - go figure


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This has been discussed before. I just graduated AFF (Iiave not been able to jump since 'cause of an injury). Although i can skydive (sort of) and absolutely adore this sport, I won't consider myself a "skydiver"until I get the "A" at least. A tandem, which is what got me hooked, is little more than an amusement park ride.

Just my $0.02 worth.

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Well do you actually have to have an A license number, or just have the card with the stamp on it, for your definition of a skydiver? Because I don't have a number, but do have about 185 jumps and consider myself a skydiver. B|

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Agreed. One tandem does not a skydiver make. Show me an A-license and I'll show you a skydiver. Until then, he's just another whuffo (with way too much money and not much sense).


;)so what does that make a dope on a rope like me ? hmmm ....... *sigh* guess I'm gonna have to stay with parachutist till I pass my 20s dive exit:)


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Well I did my first tandem last week. But definitely don't call my self a skydiver. I've been telling everyone I know all about it, the experience was just too incredible not to share. But I would not dream of telling someone who jumps regularly how to do anything...that's just dumb...LOL. I don't consider myself a member of the club here...yet. Had a friend tell me about this site so I could learn from everyone here.
I do plan to continue with it. I MUST continue with it. It's the first thing I've ever done that just grabbed me like this.
So can I still play here with you guys? :D

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Because I don't have a number, but do have about 185 jumps and consider myself a skydiver.

You're just fighting the system - not wanting to pay for a bunch of licenses that don't mean much. I'm right there with ya.

Without the A, you can't jump at other dzs. With the A, you get grounded at other dzs the first time the wind kicks up above 8mph. Since you're only a weekend away from 200, just go straight for the D. Then not only can you jump at other dzs, but no one will ground you, either.

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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blue..... you're a skydiver apprentice :D:D:D

:Dthat's why they make us wear these horrific orange (really bright!) overalls that are at least six sizes too big (roll up sleeves roll up legs).
:Dcan see they are only worn by students judging from the nr of times they have been patched, if at all. Nothing like a bit of ventilation :D


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Since you're only a weekend away from 200, just go straight for the D.

Yep, and after Richmond, I will be within a few jumps from 200. Just need a few more accuracy landings, and the water training and night jumps and I will be good to go for the D. B|

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Show me an A-license and I'll show you a skydiver.

Ouch! I had 200 jumps, including 6 demos, a 4-stack, a 10 point 4-way, a night jump, an emergency exit at 1800', 30 round jumps, two reserve rides, and a cutaway before I ever applied for a USPA certificate.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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